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blackcat says...

Don't know the specifics- but if this woman is in fact the owner, then technically, by law , she should be able to get the horses back , correct? Unless there is more to the story than what is being told...

Going by this article alone, we can see why the government needs to enact whatever animal protection act is on the books so that the BHS and Bahamian police can work together to protect these animals and so many others around the country. Very sad case if the horses are indeed suffering-- if Mr. Miller's organization cannot afford to take care of the horses (and there are definitely large expenses involved with care of this type of animal), then something else must be done. but when there are no consequences to your actions , what do we expect? The government doesn't care about its own people much less the animals of this country, so I am not surprised.

By the way, Mr. Miller should know that while many animals do exhibit outward signs of distress/ abuse, not all neglected animals show this on the outside. Just because the animals appear to have a "positive temperament", does not prove they have been well taken care of. And if he cares so much about the good they do therapy-wise, he should be keen on taking care of his investment to the best of his ability. If I become ill, as unfortunate as it may be, alternative arrangements must be made in order for my organization to keep going--if that includes feeding animals on my property- I, or someone else in command, will see that it is done.

blackcat says...

Another dumba$$ friggen Kool aid drinker. What kind of dream world are you living in buddy ?I have heard similar stories from others who have come to visit.....These officers are out there minds. If what she is saying is true, there was no real warrant to why she was detained....and even if there were, the whole experience and way they were treated leaves much to be desired. Would you want to be locked up in a detention center with no food, water or private toilet? Would you want to be harassed ? Would you want your mother or sister to be harassed and advanced upon whilst being detained ? Think man, c'mon...This is exactly why our country is the way it is. too much friggen greed and slackness.....Stop siding with the officer just because he/she is a Bahamian and the tourist is not.

blackcat says...

It makes no difference if they were concerned about sex workers or not. There's a way to deal with people humanely, and I can't see this being it.

"Ms de Oliviera had been denied entry, was being detained and would be deported because she did not have sufficient money to support her stay in the Bahamas."- I assumed that is the reason he put the money on the table for the immigration officer, to show that she could 'support herself'. He also offered verification via other travel docs and itineraries.

blackcat says...

excellent news !!!

blackcat says...

this man has no case. let him sit and rot while he thinks about his disgusting behavior.

blackcat says...


On Crowds march in support of Nygard

Posted 15 July 2014, 4:35 p.m. Suggest removal

blackcat says...

haitians aint half the problem, hunny. You need to get real and look in the mirror. WE as bahamians are the problem. As you quite rightly say, we are the jackasses.

On Crowds march in support of Nygard

Posted 15 July 2014, 4:33 p.m. Suggest removal

blackcat says...


blackcat says...

brother or sister Birdie- I do hope when I come to steal from you it isn't a problem. I agree with justthefactsplease- we may as well all be delinquents in this town and see how far ahead we get. It just might work !

This is a disgrace but truthfully, I didn't expect more..

blackcat says...

*“What we are finding is that the residents themselves have said crime is down, the violence is down, the arguments are down, but there will be incidents from time to time. What we are hoping is that eventually the atmosphere and environment created by this police presence and by the programmes that we are running will cause this to be a lasting effect.”* LIE #1

*“ Unless provoked, criminals engaged in property crimes do not generally engage in gratuitous violence.* LIE #2

I guess we have proven ourselves so stupid as Bahamians in the past, Nottage thinks we believe this crap today. 10 years ago I enjoyed going to fish fry on the weekends with you wouldnt catch me dead there on a friday night and when I go home I am looking around frantically to make sure no one is lurking or hiding. A fenced in yard or gate is a plus if you can afford it. Window bars and security screens are necessities. There are few people you can trust,even women and children are in on some of these horrific crimes. We are reaping what we have sown all these years.