Comment history

blackcat says...

You're a jackas*

On FNM deputy may go for leadership

Posted 3 June 2014, 3:21 p.m. Suggest removal

blackcat says...

That's why I said, correct me if I am wrong..........I understand sometimes not all details are reported in the press. The law means nothing all over the Bahamas so don't take it personally. Whether he took his mother's car or not, it is still illegal for him to drive on his own without a driver's license.

On Teenage boy dies in crash

Posted 27 May 2014, 10:02 a.m. Suggest removal

blackcat says...

oh boy, well that is very sad. Even on the family islands we must obey the law. This didn't have to happen.

On Teenage boy dies in crash

Posted 26 May 2014, 2:51 p.m. Suggest removal

blackcat says...

Please correct me if I am wrong, but don't you have to be 17 to hold a driver's license ? At 16 you can get a permit but you need to be with a licensed driver in order to drive a vehicle. Or did the Tribune get his age wrong? Very sad nonetheless.

On Teenage boy dies in crash

Posted 26 May 2014, 2:14 p.m. Suggest removal

blackcat says...

What if one of our lady politicians was a lesbian ? I guess being gay overrides the importance of a woman's equal rights. f*kin idiot.

blackcat says...

And now , as if poverty wasn't already an issue, the general public will suffer even more as aid is removed from Uganda's grasp. So a few of the rich politicians prosper while the poor suffer.....sounds familiar...hmmmmmmmm

blackcat says...

The last two paragraphs that quote Mr. Kim say it all; discrimination is WRONG no matter how you look at it. In order to develop and move forward, we MUST eradicate it. Unfortunately, due to our lack of education and overall ignorance (heavily linked to our cherry-picked religious ties), the Bahamas is so far behind. This is a sickening and shocking threat to human rights. Very, very sad that we have brought an individual like this here to our country. What next?

blackcat says...

Excellent news- wow I am so happy! This has been on my mind for so long....Just thinking about the damage this would create/ has created. congrats to all those involved and I hope it never gets completed.

blackcat says...

Rape, sexual abuse and human trafficking all go on here, more often than we'd care to admit. It's no surprise we are moving backwards with Uganda instead of forward.

I'm sure there were other speakers who could have been appointed for such a role. This woman's stance on human rights is appalling and sickening to say the least--her credibility is totally shot in my view. Not surprised Bahamas , way to go on the role model!

blackcat says...

I agree 100%. What the hell was the point of the Environmental Impact Assessment if not to warn and advise the government? Instead of building up Bimini's economy by preserving something so special and dear to the island, we'll destroy everything for a couple of jobs and money to pad our already thickly-lined pockets.

Despite expert testimony from so many of the dangers of this, I cannot believe this government is going ahead with such a destructive process. It is so heartbreaking to know all the marine life they will kill in such a short span of time, and the long-term effects it will bring to the island, its people and culture. very, very sad.

Deals are made in the dark, politicians dodging questions and just feeding the public a bunch of lies and propaganda: "generally speaking there will be little damage". Playing us for fools and destroying our country all the while.