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bluesky says...

Joe Darville behaving like a little child growing up back in the day. i ga tell on you.

bluesky says...

Mr. Darville, when filing Mr. Mitchell's speech and his response with the IAHRC, make sure and file at the same time, Fred Smith's Racist & hatred remarks towards Bahamian owners at the Coral Beach Condo Association meeting. Speak up for Bahamians living at Coral Beach.

bluesky says...

This has nothing to do with racism. This is an attempt by Mr. Smith to scare straight the Foreign owners into supporting his client Bruno Rufa and getting paid his one million outstanding legal fees. The owners saw through it and kicked out Rufa and his board, now Smith is threatening to sue the owners if the new Board don't pay up. owners are rebelling and refusing to pay for Bruno Rufa's personal legal matters and criminal matter.

On Fred Smith responds to Fred Mitchell

Posted 26 January 2017, 5:50 p.m. Suggest removal

bluesky says...

This has nothing to do with racism. This is an attempt by Mr. Smith to scare straight the Foreign owners into supporting his client Bruno Rufa and getting paid his one million outstanding legal fees. The owners saw through it and kicked out Rufa and his board, now Smith is threatening to sue the owners if the new Board don't pay up. owners are rebelling and refusing to pay for Bruno Rufa's personal legal matters and criminal matter.

bluesky says...

The Grimmers invited Mr. Smith to speak about the Condo Association's legal matters, not about his plans to get rid of the PLP government or Bahamian hatred for white foreigners. Many owners at Coral Beach are speaking out against Mr. Smith's racist remarks and are asking for Callendars & Co's resignation as Coral Beach Lawyer.

On EDITORIAL: Will Fred Mitchell now apologise?

Posted 26 January 2017, 10:37 a.m. Suggest removal

bluesky says...

Why is Mr.Joseph Darville not speaking out on behalf of the Black Bahamian owners living at Coral Beach., does he share the same view as Fred Smith QC?

bluesky says...

From a Foreign Coral Beach Owner;
I have been coming to the Bahamas since the early 70's and I have not experienced racism among the people in Freeport. Bahamian people are very kind loving people. If Fred Smith feels that way to the Bahamian people, he is the one who is a racist and he should leave the Bahamas and go back to Haiti where he belongs. He is the one mistreating the people by accusing them to be racists when they are not. The Bahamian people love the foreigners. I felt at home with my Bahamian friends. I feel I am a member of their family. . The Bahamian people do not deserve to be mistreated by Fred Smith. Why is he living in Freeport and allowed to make a living here when he hates the Bahamian so much. He is projecting his own feelings about the Bahamians. He is biting the hand that feeds him.

I hope that the Bahamian people get together and petition against his actions.

Very very concerned owner and friend of the Bahamian people

bluesky says...

Why did the Grimmers invited Fred Smith to Coral Beach anyway, they should have known he is a loose cannon.

bluesky says...

Shame on QC Fred Smith, Why is he promoting hate towards Bahamians, in the Coral Beach Community... Many owners are speaking out against his hateful and racist behavior.. Coral Beach Owners finally stood up to Bruno Rufa and kicked him out as president. Fred Smith threatened to sue the owners if the New Board does not pay the outstanding one million dollars legal fees for Bruno Rufa,s criminal and Immigration matters. out of the goodness of his heart, he claimed he didn't bill the one million as yet, because he didn't want Coral Beach to go bankrupt.
So disappointed in Fred Smith.

bluesky says...

Mr. Mitchell, sue the QC A$$, give him a taste of his own medicine. Injunct his A$$ for good.
While you're at it, make sure Bruno Rufa never set foot in the Bahamas again. Let him attend Court in September by SKYPE.