Comment history

bobby2 says...

Most travellers are now quite aware that there is nothing to see or do downtown. Social media has kept travellers abreast of the very poor conditions downtown.

bobby2 says...

I think Mr Symonette should resign for making an issue of this. Mr. Bell did a very noble gesture in honour of the deceased. It's not as though it will become a frequent occurrence, it has special circumstances on this occasion.

bobby2 says...

Very legit logic by Builders. Also, why pay property tax when so many do not,why pay hydro & water bill when so many do not? Mickey Mouse Politicians with Mickey Mouse enforcement.

bobby2 says...

Why on earth are people investing their hard earned real money for a make believe digital currency backed by nothing & just waiting to fully collapse?

On Crypto mining ban 'begs explanation'

Posted 10 May 2023, 3:35 p.m. Suggest removal

bobby2 says...

Born out of Wedlock? That may be about half the population?

bobby2 says...

"Chief Justice Ian Winder, in his ruling, leaned heavily on two elements in his decision – first, that while it was clear that orders to stop construction had been ignored that it must be shown that someone had known about those orders for action to be taken against them."

Since when did ignorance of the law or legal regulations become an excuse for the violator.
Seems like another example of how backward our Gov't & Legal System is!

bobby2 says...

What on earth does marijuana have to do with religion? So, everybody & anybody can simply say I'm Rastafarian, so I can have & use marijuana.

bobby2 says...

If you are arrested for murder & Police find you in possession of a gun, you are "a danger to society", bail should be denied.
If you are on bail & found guilty of violating terms of your bail, bail should be terminated & accused held in custody until trial.
I guess, too confusing for "not so smart" MP's & Judges.

bobby2 says...

Did an Elected Official (Munroe) actually say what is in this Article? Another example of how downhill Elected Governments are going. May the Lord have mercy on us.

bobby2 says...

Maybe get rid of this easy bail for serious crimes where evidence is very strong against the accused right at time of arrest or is a repeat violent offender or violation of bail-parole conditions. Bahamas is master of their own vicious & dangerous past-present-future . The rest of the World treats dangerous criminal much differently & doesn't allow all this leniency being granted by Bahama courts. It's the Government which needs to change parimeters for bail allowance & ultimately final penalty upon conviction.