Comment history

bobby2 says...

When you have children running the Government, you will have childess decisions.

bobby2 says...

Maybe get rid of this easy bail for serious crimes where evidence is very strong against the accused right at time of arrest or is a repeat violent offender or violation of bail-parole conditions. Bahamas is master of their own vicious & dangerous past-present-future . The rest of the World treats dangerous criminal much differently & doesn't allow all this leniency being granted by Bahama courts. It's the Government which needs to change parimeters for bail allowance & ultimately final penalty upon conviction.

bobby2 says...

"High End Destination"??? Wow, take a walk through Nassau or visit Grand Bahamas. Most is borderline slum level & in very short order tourists are going to re-route themselves to much nicer & more economical holiday destinations.

bobby2 says...

Digital, Sand Dollar, all things out of a fairy tale. The world does business with cash,credit card & debit card. The rest is just someone trying to sell you another money maker for them, not you.

bobby2 says...

The obvious question that should be asked by every citizen, how much has the Gov't withdrawn from the Fund over the years & what was it spent on?

bobby2 says...

So, the cold hard truth regarding paul thomson jr's questions is no answers will be forth coming. Corruption, avoidance of responsibility, lying, deceit are all trademarks of this & past Political Governance & nothing will change. So sad, Mr thomson doesn't have the legal power to force these answers as his questions & concerns are so proffessionally asked & written.

On Questions are still not answered

Posted 8 February 2023, 3:57 p.m. Suggest removal

bobby2 says...

The biggest obstacle is few people will apply to fill the jobs due to low wages & physical work required.

bobby2 says...

Never have so few (Gov't) mislead so many (Citizens). All talk, no action.

On ‘We are dealing with immigration problem’

Posted 20 January 2023, 3:32 p.m. Suggest removal

bobby2 says...

This & previous Gov'ts are nothing except talk. First of all, flood Courts with evidence of non-complying living quarters & request immediate relief from the injunction to tear them down. Any illegals discovered in the exercise should immediately be detained & processed for deportation. Act now,now,now--time for talk has ended.

On ‘Leave before we deport you’

Posted 19 January 2023, 12:43 p.m. Suggest removal

bobby2 says...

Quite honestly, those responsible should be forced to resign. I mean, can anyone not see how wrong this is?

On Bermuda PLP trip cost ‘paid in full’

Posted 13 January 2023, 3:49 p.m. Suggest removal