Comment history

bobby2 says...

When are people going to wake up & finally realize Cryptocurrency is a made up monopoly money which in the end benefits only a few of the inside scammers & will cause financial loss & heartache to the vast number of investors. Market value crashes are/have happened all over the cryoto market world for the last 5 years or so!

On CLICO victims: Don’t forget our $35m need

Posted 9 January 2023, 1:14 p.m. Suggest removal

bobby2 says...

Seems like a useless Union if they allowed 8 years to pass without a new Contract? Hope employees haven't been paying monthly Union Dues?

bobby2 says...

If no building permit ever issued, then illegal dwelling. Take immediate action! Why is the Gov't so useless?

bobby2 says...

Price controlling of Private Businesses?? This will be another fatal nail in Bahamas economy.

bobby2 says...

Bahamas is a very scary Country to live in. Tourists are eventual going to go to safer Countries. Our murder count is not going unnoticed in the World.

On Mother and son shot dead off Kemp Road

Posted 8 October 2022, 12:33 p.m. Suggest removal

bobby2 says...

Everyone does realize, when the ruling Gov't spends money on whatever to make themselves look good, it is your money they are spending!

On Ministry seeking to repair 1,000 homes

Posted 1 October 2022, 3:25 p.m. Suggest removal

bobby2 says...

Exactly. Ms. Panton is living in dream land.

bobby2 says...

Gosh, almost empty building. Tells you what the World thinks of Bahamas leaders?

On Warning over dangers affecting the Bahamas

Posted 26 September 2022, 1:23 p.m. Suggest removal

bobby2 says...

He said the construction will not exceed the DRA’s budget for the project, which is estimated at $2m.
Got to be kidding, $2M, what are they building, a straw hut?

On Work on Abaco shelter to start this month

Posted 2 September 2022, 12:28 p.m. Suggest removal

bobby2 says...

Another example of incompetent Government simply further smeering Bahamas reputation. Grand Bahama is too far gone to represent a tourist destination. Last time we were there, couldn't believe what a horrible condition it is in.