Comment history

bobby2 says...

We visited the Bazaar 15 years ago & it was a dump then.

bobby2 says...

Actually, with the only for themselves Politicians in the Bahamas, the whole Grand Bahama island may as well give up & accept your fate. No Politician really cares, no one will really help. They will just keep lying. So sad.

On Bazaar blazes again

Posted 10 August 2022, 3:28 p.m. Suggest removal

bobby2 says...

This sale is never going to close. Unless of course, the Gov't caves in on buyer demands for dramatic changes to original offer. Mark my words.

On ‘Airport key to Lucayan rising again’

Posted 8 August 2022, 11:04 a.m. Suggest removal

bobby2 says...

These extensions indicate major problems. This sale will either fall apart or the buyer will insist on huge concessions. Mark my words

bobby2 says...

Maybe it's time the Bahamas asked the USA to become a State. Maybe then, Government incompetence & crookery can be finally eliminated. It is so obvious, the Country cannot be run by locals unless tightly supervised by the USA, Britain or Canada?

On Eleuthera suffers as plants hit by outages

Posted 4 August 2022, 3:18 p.m. Suggest removal

bobby2 says...

Enforce the death penalty!! Or, at least life in prison with no chance for parole!

On Fringe group calls for executions

Posted 29 July 2022, 12:24 p.m. Suggest removal

bobby2 says...

The problem is really two fold. As much as Union's need to find a better ways & skills, so do the employers. Union leaders can have all the skills in the World, howver, if the employer refuses to honour it's agreements or refuses to negotiate an Agreement in a timely manner, Unions have no other recourse except to with hold their Labour.

bobby2 says...

How can agreeing to something being "mandatory" & still call it "agreeing"?

bobby2 says...

Another example of complete Police incompetence!

bobby2 says...

Mandatory 15% tip is no incentive at all. Remove mandatory & go to voluntary & you will then see better service.