Comment history

bookiedread says...

The government knows this bill has no teeth. If a person on bail for murder is accused of another crime the courts must first find them guilty in order for this bill to come into effect. But while out on bail what if the next offense is murder? What course of action is there? The criminals have stomped the government and all this bill does is try and make the government look like they are doing something when in fact nothing changes.

bookiedread says...

Mr. Mitchell must realize that the church has not been elected by the people to deal with issues facing the country. People may go to the church for spiritual guidance or social ills, but the business of illegal immigrants lay solely on the shoulders of the Bahamian government. The church bears no blame if the government can't control the borders and it bears no blame in the governments inability to apprehend illegal immigrants.

bookiedread says...

These politicians can do any foolishness they want and get away with it. If any Bahamian doesn't license their cars on time there is a penalty. What is going to happen to the nations Prime Minister who had not filed as prescribed by law? We need to hold these people to a higher standard. And for the Press Secretary to downplay its importance shows you the lack of accountability these people have for the rule of law.

bookiedread says...

This country is getting just like the United States. These officers are out there protecting this country and always fall under scrutiny. The question is and should be, "What do law abiding citizens do when requested to stop by police?" The minute I see flashing lights and hear sirens, I pull to the side. Just food for thought.

On What really happened to my son?

Posted 11 March 2019, 3:07 p.m. Suggest removal

bookiedread says...

Actually the teardrops signify the amount of people who they have killed.

On Man charged with murder of schoolteacher

Posted 21 September 2016, 9:04 a.m. Suggest removal

bookiedread says...

Once again Mr. McCartney is showing his political immaturity as he did when he left the FNM. It has to be his way or the highway. He is just a selfish man.

On Bran: DNA will not form coalition with the FNM

Posted 14 September 2016, 7:56 a.m. Suggest removal

bookiedread says...

It really is laughable that we can now talk about shutting down web shops when prior to November 24th 2014 they operated outside the law. It really makes one wonder how the powers that be view the Bahamian people. Lord help us all.

On Police to act on web shops

Posted 12 December 2014, 2:47 p.m. Suggest removal

bookiedread says...

What seems to be the problem with this government. If a person works they should be paid. Im really sick of this government.

On No pay rise for police recruits

Posted 2 July 2014, 5:58 p.m. Suggest removal

bookiedread says...

Just gonna wait and see what happens here. Coralee Adderley got fired for no reason, so the whole country is going to look and see what happens to this man. But my gut feelings tells me that this will be swept under the mat.

On Report damns hospitals chief

Posted 16 May 2014, 11:58 a.m. Suggest removal

bookiedread says...

Even though the wheels of justice seem to turn slowly, I think that this is proof that our system works.

On Douglas Pratt guilty of murder

Posted 25 April 2014, 10:26 a.m. Suggest removal