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bookiedread says...

Now I know this government has lost its damn mind. They just go from one thing to the other without careful consideration to how it would adversely affect this country. All they need to do is drive around this town and see the countless amount of young men suffering from drug induced psychosis.

On Debate to open on marijuana?

Posted 15 April 2014, 1:07 p.m. Suggest removal

bookiedread says...

It's amazing how Dr. Nottage's views have changed over the past two years. When he was first made Minister of National Security he shouted that jail was nothing but a warehouse for young men, now I guess he understands why. Welcome to the real world.

bookiedread says...

Wow. Wouldn't all the people whose homes have been repossessed and those who don't qualify for the government's mortgage relief program (That's everyone), wish they had a friend like Mr. Christie. The PM's actions are shameful.

bookiedread says...

The number people does not want the industry regulated because they would not make the same amount of profit. They only want this thing legalized so that they could legally do business with the bank, but yet act as if they are still illegal businesses. I cry shame on the government of this country. The will of the people is the will of God. Ask Mr. Christie if he remembers that.

bookiedread says...

Here we go again. Anyone who does not share the vision or views of any Minister of the government is anti-PLP. That is total hogwash. Fred Mitchell needs to grow up. I think the majority of Bahamians share the views of Dr. Munroe and Mr. Chipman. This PLP regime just can't seem to take criticism without them interpreting it as a personal attack on them and their clueless party.

bookiedread says...

Lest we all forget, that these people put up billboards all over this country. Not she has the nerve to say we must stop politicising crime. I say Hogwash. This is just a classic case of the chickens coming home to roost. Bahamians voted for the government because they said they had a solution for crime, but alas it seems that they are clueless.

On Mother Pratt: We must stop politicising crime

Posted 3 January 2014, 12:03 p.m. Suggest removal

bookiedread says...

I dont believe that Dr. Minnis missed anything. He is right on point and despite others opinion he has to state the facts. It was Mr. Christie and his people during the elections that put up all these murder stats at the various roundabouts and claimed they had the answers. But now to the country's dismay we see now that they were only a smoke screen. I admonish Dr Minnis to continue to speak out on the issues and hold the government accountable to the promises they made to the Bahamian people.

bookiedread says...

I'm in total agreement.

bookiedread says...

Those who voted A-C have to be very delusional or living in a fairy tale. We can all see whats going on around us.

bookiedread says...

It seems as though Mr. Christie and his party came to office with a chip on their shoulders and no plan as to how to run this country. They have borrowed an exuberant amount of money and are still blaming Mr. Ingraham. Their mortgage relief venture was a total bust and well, I won't even go there with the so called opinion poll. They remain clueless on how to deal with the crime problem in this country and Urban Renewal seems just a waste of human resources for the Royal Bahamas Police Force. In short, this first year of governance for the PLP government has been a total failure. The Bahamian people have seemed to have lost faith in this government. Maybe it's time for a change.