Comment history

bookiedread says...

My fellow Bahamians, let us all be clear as to what just happened. The PM failed to address the country after it was clear that "HIS" referendum was voted "NO". He took his own sweet time in addressing the "People Whom He Serves". It was obvious that he expected it to pass but had no backup plan. I will always remember a teacher once said to me that, "Wrong is wrong no matter who says it or does it." There is a God above and we as a country has always shown our trust in him. Our fore-fathers did it and why shouldn't we. After the vote my mom said to me that there is a God who sits on the throne he would never give us more than we could bear. I believe this and so should the leaders that WE put in place. People have bad mouth the church for their stance but we now see the power of prayer. Righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to any people. We can't make right what is wrong. So I say to my fellow Bahamians that indulge in the cesspit of gambling, lets all get over it and move on. Our help doesn't come from man but rather from the God that made heaven and earth. Lift up your heads to the rising sun Bahama land. Don't mind what the other countries our doing. Let us be the mark that they look up to. God bless the Bahamas and the many Bahamians that voted NO.

bookiedread says...

Oh Bahamas what have we done. We have elected a group of power hungry thieves. Lord help us all for the next five years.

On Bonus payouts information concern

Posted 12 December 2012, 10:01 a.m. Suggest removal

bookiedread says...

Anyone with half a brain could figure out what the PLP is doing with this National Insurance scandal. The PM said he was not going to do anything to Mr. Moss and now all these cheques surface. come on man. Shameful is what it is. It is evident that there is no wrong doing by Mr. Cargill but these little dirty tricks are the PLP way.

On The smear campaign that failed

Posted 11 December 2012, 8:17 a.m. Suggest removal

bookiedread says...

These people aren't the only ones fed up with this government. But its good to know that they have a lot of company.

On Supporters fed up with the PLP

Posted 11 December 2012, 8:13 a.m. Suggest removal

bookiedread says...

Here we go again with the scandals while Cool PC just sits there and orders an investigation/committee. Same ole same ole.

On Russell: Moss should be suspended

Posted 7 December 2012, 1:11 p.m. Suggest removal

bookiedread says...

Mr. McCartney just needs to be careful. It seems as if most politicians would just have it for the BCC to remain silent on this whole gambling thing. The church needs to speak up on the matter.

bookiedread says...

Here we go again.........The more things change the more they remain the same. Same ole PLP. I cry shame on the PM.

On PM criticised for not taking firm action

Posted 5 December 2012, 10:45 a.m. Suggest removal

bookiedread says...

This just shows the level of criminality and disrespect for human life we have in this country. Something needs to give or we will find ourselves in serious problems. My heart goes out to the family of Mr. Stubbs.

On None

Posted 5 November 2012, 10:31 a.m. Suggest removal

bookiedread says...

My question to the PM is why put gambling to a referendum when it is very clear that he wants it to succeed. If it is for the people to decide then he should not just state the good but also the bad. But I fee the Bahamian people will do the right thing and vote NO. Righteousness still exalts a nation and sin is a reproach to any people.

bookiedread says...

TalRussell you need to stop being an old PLP bag. Mr. Cash is quite correct in the statements that he made. I watched the PLP rally in Abaco and I found some of the comments made to be quite distasteful. Mr. Gray as well as the Prime Minister who suggested that they vote for the PLP because they are the government of today. We live in a democratic society if the people of Abaco elect Mr. Gomez would they be victimized because of it? That is really something to think about. Would the PM still want to put more day care centers down there? Don't try and hold people hostage because of the powers that you have. Wait.......That's the PLP way.