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bookiedread says...

Thank you Mr. Bell you have now caused a real stir in this country. Now everyone feels as though they should be allowed to carry a concealed weapon. This would then truly be a gunman town. Mr. Prime Minister get it right and have Mr. Nottage and Bell turn those firearms back over to the police. The very same firearms that they are carrying were not bought with their personal money but were bought with the taxpayers money. They were bought for police to fight this high level of crime. So just how the various stations dont have enough police to go around I would imagine that they probably don't have enough firearms as well.

On Shop owners applyIng for guns

Posted 8 June 2012, 12:46 p.m. Suggest removal

bookiedread says...

I must agree with Mr. Pinder that we are open for business, but the real question is, what kind of business. From past indication the business that this regime knows is taxing investors under the table. Not good business.

On 'Bahamas is open for business'

Posted 8 June 2012, 4:51 a.m. Suggest removal

bookiedread says...

Urban Renewal wasn't a resounding success the first time and I don't see it being the answer to the crime situation today. Breaking down a few abandon houses is doing what to the level of criminality in this country? Let's get it right people. All the police officers around the PM's house, police chauffeurs and bodyguards around all these ministers should be on the streets doing what the people are paying them to do and that is fight crime. Urban renewal should be about Social Services, Environmental Health and Public Health Authority, not about the police.

On Former FNM MP backs urban renewal

Posted 8 June 2012, 4:45 a.m. Suggest removal

bookiedread says...

It is still mind boggling to me that we need Police Officers in Urban Renewal. We have all this crime carrying on in the country and Mr. Christie's answer is to take them from active policing to watch homes being demolished. Put the officers where they belong, on the streets of our country to police its people. Urban Renewal should be about Social Service, Environmental Health, and the Public Health Authority not police officers. This government should review this. But wait, we could take some officers from around these politicians and their homes to police this country. How about a minister of state with a chauffeur and bodyguard. Oh and he too has a police weapon and a police car. Put him out there.

bookiedread says...

Dr. Nottage seems more concerned about those criminals in prison than serenity on the streets of New Providence. When he and the other MP's go to their luxury homes, there are some of us who live in these areas where gunshots can be heard at all hours of the night. Young men through every corner selling and smoking drugs. These men don't want to work and are more comfortable committing crimes. I live in a real world but Dr. Nottage obviously doesn't. It's better for them to live like sardines than for decent people to suffer from their criminal acts.

bookiedread says...

Dr. Rahming's comments are not becoming of a man in his position. Should these men who have be charged with serious offences be among the Bahamian community to continue in doing what put them there in the first place. Even though they have not been convicted we have seen men with the ankle monitors have their bails revoked for various infractions which include committing crimes. Let us be humane to them while they kill, rob and steal from peaceful, law abiding citizens. It makes sense for them to be comfortable than for serenity to reign in our society. Get real Dr. Rahming, if you blame Mr. Ingraham and the FNM then blame them for trying to make society a safer place for all Bahamians. We must remember the words of Malcolm X which is so appropriate, "You're not to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong no matter you says it or does it." Dr. Rahming you and the Minister better think of the masses as oppose to the minority.

On Prison Chief speaks out

Posted 26 May 2012, 7:14 a.m. Suggest removal

bookiedread says...

Listen TalRussell. Hubert Ingraham is no longer in power. If you really read this article its not about Ingraham but rather moving forward. Mr. Ingraham served this country well, but now its time for Mr. Christie to see if he can do the same. It's also seem as though every comment that you post is about Mr. Ingraham. You just need to move on.

bookiedread says...

Why is TalRussell so angry. Hubert Ingraham is no longer Prime Minister so you just need to move on. What you need to be concerned about is probably your high expectations from a man who needs to consult before he makes a decision. The mark of a great leader is that he has to be strong and he does what he feels is in the best interest of the people. Christie is PM for now.

On Countdown to convention begins

Posted 14 May 2012, 6:10 p.m. Suggest removal

bookiedread says...

Mr. Ingraham is gone and unless he does something that requires some form of scrutiny, then his practise should not be of any concern. What should be of concern to the Bahamian people is the involvement of the PM Christie in this oil company. I know that during the election process he spoke with two different tongues about his position. Mr. Ingraham has retired, now its time for Mr. Christie to answer the Bahamian people. Keep a close eye on exploration for oil in our waters not Hubert Ingraham.

On Ingraham reveals resignation date

Posted 14 May 2012, 3:52 p.m. Suggest removal

bookiedread says...

A very enlightening article. It brings home the underlying fact that greed still is a very dangerous sin. I have only one vote and i would have desired for everyone to share my political beliefs but the Bahamian people sought another avenue and we have no other alternative but to accept it. I love my country and my fellow citizens but it is my opinion that they did not make the right decision at the polls. Mr. Christie and his party promised to work from day one. It is now day seven and the murders continue. It is day seven and the same things remain. No Prime Minister, no Minister of National Security or MP, to my knowledge, have ever been a suspect or charged with a murder. It is a known fact that the PLP is a vindictive group of people that look out for themselves. I do not wish for them to fail because the country would hurt, but heaven help us all.

On Christie not up to the job

Posted 14 May 2012, 3:43 p.m. Suggest removal