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bookiedread says...

I've said it once and i'll say it again. Tearing down abandon houses and cleaning down lots is not going to stop this crime problem. I don't give two hoots how the PM, Minister of National Security, or those officers in Urban Renewal try and mislead the Bahamian people. Take those same officers who are obviously reacting to incidents and have them to go back to active police duties where they will become proactive. I for one have never been a proponent of this initiative. I know instances where trained, specialized officers have been removed from specialized area and put into Urban Renewal. This has to be the greatest disservice to the Bahamian people. The police need to get back out there and police these streets. And secondly, the politicians need to stay out of the RBPF and allow them to do their jobs without interference.

bookiedread says...

I cry shame on Bran. You just need not encourage motor mouth Bell in his unfounded statements.

On Bran: Probe election claims

Posted 14 June 2012, 2:23 p.m. Suggest removal

bookiedread says...

The PM needs to find a someplace else to put Bell. When he was a member of the police force he sought for his own personal agendas to be met and I assure you he will do it again. How could a man who was a subordinate to the Commissioner now tell the C.O.P. what to do. Something is terribly wrong with that. If you leave it to Bell a whole lot of criminals would be right back on these streets.

On Police alarm over bell appointment

Posted 14 June 2012, 11:03 a.m. Suggest removal

bookiedread says...

This whole appeal by Mrs. Stubbs appears to be a gimick. Whether it is to change the public perception or help in his impending case. We all know that he is the HNIC. These young boys on the streets idolize him for his bully, murdering tactics and would do anything he says. I'm sure this publication can print a whole lot more interesting article than this. This lady doesn't live on these streets.

On 'My son is not ordering hits from prison'

Posted 13 June 2012, 12:29 p.m. Suggest removal

bookiedread says...

There is no transparency in this. It looks like a shake down to me. But it really is a wonderful message Mr. Gibson is sending to foreign investors. NOT!!!!!!!

bookiedread says...

Oh and by the way Mr. Bell, there was another murder. You can't control people.

bookiedread says...

I cry shame on Mr. Bell being a former police officer. Leave police officers on the streets to do what they are being paid to do. We complain about the number of guns on the streets but yet he talks about taking Defence Force Officers to do something other than what they are being paid for. The solution is clear all of the officers guarding these politicians and their homes along with the officers in Urban Renewal and the Officers they thinking about sending around these schools need to remain in active police duty. This is really one of the silliest things I've heard in a while. Mr. Bell and Co. and going to deplete the resources of the RBPF.

bookiedread says...

Listen TalRussell you seem a little confused. The same opportunities that were afforded to Mr. Ingraham during the time leading up to the election were afforded to Mr. Christie. What Mrs. Turner is referring to is the number of police officers around the PM's residence, that is different from his chauffeurs and bodyguards, the same for the DPM, the AG and her Minister of State, the Minister of National Security and his Minister of State. Mr. Bell has two officers around him and he has the government gun. Now he telling people that the RBDF is gonna be replacing police officers who were assigned other duties. Doesn't sound like sense to me. "Don't be blinded by patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong no matter who says it or does it."(Malcolm X)

On Row over security

Posted 8 June 2012, 3:21 p.m. Suggest removal

bookiedread says...

The PLP has once again shown that they do not have a plan for crime in this country. I remember their election promises, and so do a whole lot of people. The RBDF should remain at sea and not on land. To bring them on land would demoralize the RBPF. It would make them seem incompotent. We can not control what an individual does so crime will always be around. What we can do to stop alot of this foolishness happening in this country first starts by HMP. Witness tampering or hits on witnesses starts from up there and the prisoners ability to communicate on a daily basis with people on the outside by way of cell phones. Why hasn't anyone really tried to curb this problem instead of the minister trying to release these bunch of goons back on the streets.

On 'Using RBDF a mistake'

Posted 8 June 2012, 3 p.m. Suggest removal

bookiedread says...

Mr. Bell doesn't seem to get it. Is your life more important than the average man? Whats good for you itsn't good for me or my family. There are people who are in a more vunerable state than Mr. Bell that do not carry firearms and they are trained. For example, the average police who goes on the beat and is responsible for enforcing the laws, carry a weapon while they are on duty, but they have to turn in their weapons when then get off and go home to their families. Who do you believe is more at risk. The lawmaker(Bell) or the enforcer(Police) of the law? Mr. Bell's excuse is poor and the PM needs to correct this problem before it becomes epidemic and everyone wants to carry a gun.