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boopboop says...

Given the amount of money the Port and its other companies have made in Freeport over the years, building a mordern and bigger brand new hospital, equipping it with a couple of fire houses, around the island, fleet of police cars fire trucks and ambulances should be like zero!Crazy that government never made things like
this mandatory with their contractual agreements to support essential services that they benefit from daily but never pay a dime to use.

Government should consider annual taxation (couple million each) to all these big projects as well as major hotels especially Atlantis Pointe Baha Mar towards these essential services

On Carnival to help fund Rand rebuild

Posted 8 November 2019, 1:30 p.m. Suggest removal

boopboop says...

Who cares if that's "why" they are doing it.... At least they're doing something!! Thank you Carnival!!

On Carnival to help fund Rand rebuild

Posted 8 November 2019, 12:25 p.m. Suggest removal

boopboop says...

Stop hitting the pot with the spoon....This decline aint just start.

boopboop says...

When you are hired with government you have a good idea for when you're retirement date should be.

boopboop says...

I dont think the statement in bold was Mr Evans' i think that may be Mr Dames'

boopboop says...

I've read this article a few times throughout the course of the day to make sure that I take it for what it is. Quite Frankly I don't see anything wrong. Here's why.

1. Very few no matter how good or educated they are will ever make it to see Captain on the Defense Force.

2. When you hit 30 years in Government you on borrowed time every year after.

3. You hit 40 years nobody should have to "ask" a staff to leave. The day I make 40 years i would've put in for my vacation to make it 41 years and ease on into the sunset.

3. Any government employee should be preparing for life after the government job well in advance.

4 Folks really have to learn to know when to leave. What else is there to prove past 40 years? You have done extremely well!! Don't let a couple of persons who have an issue with things suck you into souring up your honorable retirement. You bigger than that.

5 Seriously though if an agency has to retain a person who has done 40 years on a job then shame on that agency because that would mean that there's no succession planning, there was no training going on. I'm certain there are many others qualified that can ascend in the Defence Force...has to be!!!
With the experience he has under his belt he can use that in the private sector to make almost twice as much as hes making.

Ya have to know when to leap off the Lilly pad and let another frog leap

All government agencies should be made to report to the government 5 to ten persons whom are (1) qualified (2)being groomed to ascend the ladder and (3) what is being done to groom them so that they can meet the requirements. Best man wins after that. Pass the baton on leave at the top of your game. Not when you could barley see to steer the boat.

Lastly never conclude that you will never forgive. Everyday you depend on gods forgiveness which is given based on you forgiving others. Especially now that you're retired and mature you don't have time to be holding any ill feelings towards anyone or for a place where it was time for you to leave couple years ago. Be at peace and move on to the next project!!!

boopboop says...

The Samaritans Purse cant stay in the Bahamas forever. So I agree something needs to be done short term ASAP to care for the heath needs. Knock that part of the Rand down now. That's the only way to be certain that no ) will be lingering. No need to meander since PAWHO rendered it unsanitary and condemned it and no need to put the construction workers health at risk trying to work through it. Knock it down totally and rebuild it on a foundation higher than AE. Might need a few millions more than 20

Please don't forget Freeport still needs a new hospital. So don't forget about the Rand after the temporary rebuild.

boopboop says...

Great news indeed!!!

On Grand Lucayan to re-open Tuesday

Posted 11 October 2019, 9:22 p.m. Suggest removal

boopboop says...

Yes this is an excellent move that should be executed in ALL Government Ministries! Still many situations where positions are clogged up by persons who are past their retirement and most without the necessary education to hold the post except tenure and favor. Also bringing retired people back into the system to further clog up the advancement pipe (Pension plus full salary). Meanwhile younger persons who invest in their education are well qualified but stagnant, frustrated, unable to elevate and to make sure they don't elevate the persons above them who are threatened keep their foot on the qualified persons neck! This is REAL in the public service.

Great job Mr. Dames. Now there's hope as persons may be more inclined to return home after college. I see absolutely nothing spiteful here. Stop the political rhetoric always trying to attribute decisions to political mischief.

On Chance to lead for young officers

Posted 18 April 2019, 11:41 a.m. Suggest removal