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buddah17 says...

I was lead to understand that the government is borrowing money from the power company to try to "upgrade the system" and paying them back along with twelve percent interest?
COULD this be true?
We should NOT be worrying about a rebate on the electrical cut, but rather HAVING electricity!

On Sitting in the dark once more

Posted 17 August 2024, 7:04 a.m. Suggest removal

buddah17 says...

As a Bahamian, I would "expect" medals in EVERY event tat we entered.
( Even if it didn't happen!)

buddah17 says...

Think we are missing the obvious here.
The country discussed mines diamonds and other precious minerals and ores.
With rich professionals running the country, this narrative fits them to a T…

On What is real reason for Africa trips?

Posted 25 March 2024, 6:04 p.m. Suggest removal

buddah17 says...

Where is the fringe? Looks more like Carnival...
(Easy way out?)
PLEASE lets TRY to keep our tradition!!

buddah17 says...

Reminds me of something I saw on TV this week. A police stopped a M.B. car for speeding. Guy told the cop he knew the chief of police. Cop arrested the driver, and the chief showed up and ordered the cop to remove the handcuffs and release the driver. Then berated the cop for stopping the rich guy. Saying, "You know who pays for your lunchroom, and cooking equipment? You know who pays for the coffee in that room? We are paid to protect these people, not arrest them."
Something in that statement?

buddah17 says...

Better to error on the side of caution.
Suppose that was YOUR costume that took you
3-5 months of work to make? Would you want to risk
having it destroyed by rain, BEFORE you had the chance
to show it off??

buddah17 says...

Would you?
Come back.....?
If you had the resources to go back to The U.S.?

On Judge allows Shiver to stay with parents in US

Posted 23 December 2023, 12:33 p.m. Suggest removal

buddah17 says...

In my business relationship with Super Value, and the owner, I have always found them (and him,) to be totally above board and honest....

buddah17 says...

That might be the most ignorant statement ever made and printed in a newspaper. Here was a lady that was not only an internationally known scholar regarding the history of The Bahamas, but more importantly, actually recorded it for prosperity. If not to honor such a stalwart of our country, exactly WHO should "taxpayer dollars" be spent on?
You sound like a person who also feels "all of the historic (old) bulidings should be torn down, and NEW buildings built in their place...."