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carltonr61 says...

Help to the suffering first. So by your logic there are zero millionaire doctors.

Further,concerning the pharmacology of Cannabis that caused it to be abandoned by European Doctors in the 1800. Cannabis gave then trouble in dosing. Whereby, Cannabinoids do not behave by mathematical principles Mg per kilo of body weight but rather titration. At first low and slow for first time users. Individuals tolerances cannot be guaged for measured. Start at 3% THCA heat to THC bioactive. Most Canbabis is at 15% percent because they are grown in 24/7 unnatural conditions without a night break without light. This adds to potency as darkness is only allowed to make the plant flower after a full bushy bushy growth to increase the yield.
Today's Cannibas 1. high THC low CBD. 2. half THC/CBD 3. high CBD low THC. It is suggested that Sativa or Indica sleeps one or speeds one.

carltonr61 says...

Abu Dhabi just legalized alcohol to increase Western tourists and stop locking them up for it. 147 million Cannabis smokers avoid The Bahamas strict laws of the whole Caribbean.

carltonr61 says...

Cannabis has a trajectory effect based on age 23 and under heavy adult work load and stress 30 to 50 and medicine for chronic illness with pain. Up to age 23 Cannabis creates laziness upon laziness with great great appetite. Cannabis first use is through contact with someone who smokes and makes it seem okay to use. Users who are introduced mostly in school or hanging out with loosers will also see a hurting in their economic wallets as adults, as laziness dies not pay off. As it stands one billion dollars in Cannabis money is generated within The Bahamas each year. It has cut down significantly because Florida and Canada has grown from consumer to great export potential.

carltonr61 says...

Obviously you are a total novice to the Bush Medicine, Cannabis. I psy plenty money and plenty long hours repurposing my old brsin to know what I know and become Certified, Center for Addiction and Mental Health CAMH , certified by The College Of Family Physicians Of Canada along with Cannabis And Mental Health - Mental Health Commission of Canada.

The brsin has its own Cannabis production facility that produces Endo Cannabinoid (EC) A bush medicine named Cannabis also produces Cannabinoids called Phyto Cannabinoids (PC).

2AG along with Anandermide controls Mood, stress and memory. But they stretch extremely broad. The chemicals from the Cannabis Bush Medicine also control mood stress and memory. Many of our bodily illnesses are grounded in our emotional state of mind. Because persons may not produce enough EC or the receptors in the brsin may be inadequate they may experience psychosomatic imbalances reflected by mood, chronic pains from cancers, lack of sexual arousal brought on by menopause, chronic dradly stress, eating disorders or plain malcontents. In this case doctors realize the need to restore balance as PC tends to upregulate or down-regulate mentsl activity without deadly side medications.

THC and CBD are two of the 150 or so natural derivatives of the Cannabis plant. THC makes one happy, hungry and groggy. CBD is known for fighting inflammations.Cannabus was a universal component of all doctors Pharmacopeia until the 1950s fir labor pains arthritis hunger and general well being.

carltonr61 says...

The gateway to all drugs is poor family structure peer pressure and lack of education. Everyone who try alcohol buy numbers, smoke, cigarettes, gang bang till ya dead was following company. Let's just get real here. Marijuana as a gateway drug is a worn out 1970s cliche. The Bahamas dies not have the social degradation to support heroine or fentanyl $300.00 a pop. Marijuana has been used to self medicate stress and anxiety away for the past 70 years and before 1970 fir thousands of years. It takes a genius to create a scenario of Bahamians spoon feeding their babies a joint. But it is great to have an imagination without social, honest and full of misleading untruths wrapped in candy paper of ignorance.

carltonr61 says...

I fully agree with your holistic logic probability concerning avenues of death and danger. My fear is that you think oxygen is 100% safe then immerse your self to it for five minutes. But please don't. I am only trying to invalidate your fear mongering that had zero basis in historical and contemporary FDA science. Cerasee? pear leaf, salt water, fresh water, all from nature are also good fir you. This is an interesting ride toward your journey of contemporary ancient revisited after seven thousand years until President Nixon

carltonr61 says...…

Could you please just read what The Bahamas' doctors are saying. In the principle of understanding and valuing Bahamian professionals. Thank you.

carltonr61 says...

Let me see your fear mongering degree. This bill has the backing of The Bahamas Medical Association, which comprises all doctors of The Bahamas. Take your joke to them.

carltonr61 says...

According to WHO records Marijuana is heavily used in The Bahamas for the past 70 years. Rasta only make up 2% of its usage. I live here and I know what I have experienced all my lifetime everywhere. Because of our multi generational home system and tolerance for what is obvious many adolescents do fall victim in every nation as ours usa, can europe, that had spawned criminal murder squads who run the billion dollar industry outside of government. Government never said it will invite persons to use Marijuana. Government only provided the legal medical pathway for caring doctors and patients. Thar is the governments responsive job. Hysteria fear mongering is so insensitive. Then don't send your child to Canada UK, Europe, The Caribbean or USA to college. As in The Bahamas ensure your child is disciplined and knowledgeable about peer pressure and strong family values.

carltonr61 says...

Go and read up on the Endo Cannabinoid System of the human brain. Then study Phyto Cannabinoids. Maybe you will learn what the rest of the world already knows.