Comment history

carltonr61 says...

My colleagues in Columbia and Canada are having $CA issues because no Canadian Bank is accepting proceeds from Cannabis. Our pharmacists must realize by now that our Government did its homework very well and must be commended for it as we move forward together.

carltonr61 says...

KYC will apply to businesses that sell cannabis as it is still A Federal Offense in the International Banking Arena

carltonr61 says...

Medical Doctors and Pharmacists can only regulate drugs approved by the FDA .Cannabis Flower is not approved by the FDA. Cannabis is being moved from schedule i to schedule iii as a Controlled Substance not a dangerous drug. FDA had approved synthetic THC Epidiolex fir medical use.

carltonr61 says...

To qualify to the level of Certification at CAMH one would gave to be fluent in the Human Cannabinoid System, hiw it works to control mood memory and stress. You have to learn the CB1 and CB2 receptors in the brain and body andchow THC and CBD impacts them. You also have to know the bio availability of the Cannabinoids in the body how long they are effective according to the mode if consumption and eventual breakdown. Just the tip.

carltonr61 says...

The Cannabis Commissions and Authorities of many states in USA are now having to reign in Alcohol Production Companies for producing and selling Cannabis infused alcoholic beverages as only the Cannabis Industry has a right to dispense Cannabis products as a Controlled Substance.

carltonr61 says...

The Cannabis Bill, yes, is well measured. After all, The AG Office along with Health and Wellness have foresight based on other jurisductions hindsight. We are late in the game considering that Cannabis has been popularly used here for 70 years. Further, again historically we find ourselves between the all of the greatest producers and consumers of Canada, USA, Jamaica and South America. EU & UK block nations also cultivate, export, and individual's are licensed to use. Cannabis us accepted as a civilized botanical bush medication as it was for thousands of years until USA prohibition agitation from the 1970s. If all goes well The Bahamas Government will control the show with the average Bahamian benefiting and no longer will criminal murderous gangs here have a billion dollar monopoly. Central government control over Cannabis was first used in Uruguay and it immediately cut gang murders down to nearly zero through legalization. If you travel to 40 USA states Medical Cannabis is legal along with about 28 states where Adult Use is also legal. All of Canada is legal. The Bahamas will now be able to regulate, somehow, according to WHO, 147 million Cannabis users, Bahamas included. Also, according to UNODC world drug report, all nations that legslized Cannabis already have a wide distribution of users so there was no major impact of sudden new users. Also, the UN Office found the cultural or indigenous national attitudes of varying peoples hindered the approach to a universal approach to Adolescent use which has negative individual and national economic consequences. Jamaica got a shock recently as Canada refused to import their 'Jamaica Pure'. The name Jamaica as a brand was expected to go international, as millions of the world tourists throughput the decades traveled there to smoke legally at Rastafarian Camps., Licensed Bahamian Consultant & Certified Cannabis for Primary Care.

carltonr61 says...

It is really troubling that some Bahamians are fing fault at this historical progress. We need we need it we need it. If the private sector doctors where to build the hospital then my lord the screams. We should thank God.

carltonr61 says...

We need the Chinese to build our Nassau to Andros bridge. They could own part of it and let us pay to cross it..

On Residents concerned over $290m hospital

Posted 15 May 2024, 8:18 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

The Bahamas caught between 27 million legal Medical Cannabis users and dominant Jamaica where it is legal in small amounts could switch the money monopoly from our locsl underground and criminal gangs controlling an empire of power and billions in cash money. Untaxed billions is spent year round here for 70 years. Cannabis has been forever here. At now, the government could legally bring to the top of the table without stigma demands that adolescents not be in the company of adult users in the form of a binding Social and Legal Contract of Enforcement and understanding to save our youth who are most negatively impacted during the period of brain growth and maturity until the age of 23-25. Once mental and emotional diversions occur that impacts motivation, aspirations and inspirations the coming of age into adulthood and beyond are affected where it hurts the most - in the parents wallets - as the adult-child cannot afford to leave home and is lazy on any job.

carltonr61 says...

That is dangerous swamp land A spring river seems to flow from Rock Crusher heading toward the Saundes Beach area. All ofvthecarea West of BASH will spring worst with Hlobal Warming and Moon Tides. Great initiative by our neighbor so far away.

On China to fund new hospital

Posted 13 May 2024, 5:27 p.m. Suggest removal