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carltonr61 says...

That was a great move by Mr Mitchell so as not to alarm the world. Shows that the Police has intelligence but cannot know the the time opportunities and place. Great work to foster trust and social understanding. On the streets we know and casually comment "yea well another one going down tonight." Retribution is an undeniable fact of our crime world expectations. At least, in this evil environment we could pray that forgiveness and God prevails.

carltonr61 says...

Hope it' gets brighter than this gloom

On ‘Save dolphins after eight die’

Posted 8 May 2024, 9:22 a.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

From the 1960s until within the past 5 years led by USA War On Drugs mote people are smoking X 1 million. It was a failure to prevent and dictate to humans not to smoke through fear of fined and jail time without first writing down the dangers. No dangers were ever given. And none exists to this day after 60 years except for a culture brainwashed into fear eith no evidence or explanation to verify why the fear.

carltonr61 says...

I am in contact with fellow Consultants in New York who explained the mistake of legalization first and then taking a year and a half to give out licenses. Illegal shops proliferation is now a great problem for the state. My Canada Consultants are having problems because to many companies went in too big with loans and both jurisductions suffered from government over regulations. Many start-ups are going bankrupt because they over invested that the market calmed down.

carltonr61 says...

Within months those tourists among the 27 million who smoke at designated smoking areas could pay $50.00 for a smoking permit. Ohhh. And us too. For too long 'ma boy dem' had exclusive rights to own billions of tax free dollars. Brave gat this situation under control. Until 1946 every doctor in the USA prescribed herbal remedies after all pills with synthetic medicines were not manufactured yet. And now the mecical world realizes that CBD in cannabis works as the best safest medicine for joint inflammation like arthritis as prescribed in 1935. Certified in Cannabis For Primary Care, Canada CAMH. Bahamas licensed Cannabis Consultant.

carltonr61 says...

Marijuana is the oldest safest botanical medicine on Earth spanning thousands of years until 1940s/71 with President Richard Nixon War on Drugs. The side effects are happy, sleepy and hungry. In The Bahamas it has been endorsed by the Medical Association of The Bahamas and the Pharmaceutical Associations.

The Govetnment of The Bahamas will monetize Cannabis multi billion dollar industry by regulation and legalization.

Being HIGH begins after inhalation by Cranial nerve #2 calming everything about and within the eye. The eyelids begin to get heavy. The Cerabellum then relaxes all motor movements of muscles. The hunger hormones activate forcing Aids and Cancer Therapy Patients to eat. Dopermine responsible for happiness is released upping the mood levels of Clinically Depressed Patients and menopausal women. Cortisol, which is produced under chronic or long-term stress that causes heart attacks and strokes is deactivated along the Stress Axis or triangle.

There is too much that goes on toward a healthy life with Cannabis. It is destructive for adolescents whose brains continue to mature until age 25. All Executive Functions are impacted: planning, organizational skills, impulse control, thinking, memory etc. licensed Certified Cannabis Consultant. Certified Cannabis for Primary Care, Canadian Association of Mentsl Health. CAMH.

carltonr61 says...

Official data from 1991 revealed that 14% of our population smoked Marijuana. We have no latest data that I could put my hands on. Germany just two weeks legalized cannabis that a vast majority of adults were already using it. Same here in the Bahamas. It should be a matter if choice. Regulation brought legsl enforcement to adults smoking around teens, and that is an area we finally could address through a Social Pact to not let teens use. But unregulated as to who could and who could not leaves this lawless situation where there are no rules for any body. THE WHO says that Cannabis use is endemic on The Bahamas and is widespread here. The UN 2023 study on the aftermath of of legalization noted that only nations with heaven cannabis use went that path with no adverse effects to nations with decades of history smoking.

carltonr61 says...

If the USA Government goes on to declare Cannabis a schedule 3, then we would be looking at having it placed legally along with potatoes.

carltonr61 says...

Its amazing the homes that encroached upon the dead at Spiknard. Now they cannot rest in peace.

carltonr61 says...

Lucky you. 15151611 filed a complaint on 31/1/24. After being illegally and wrongfully dismissed from my job at Base Road after some 40 years only to find out no contributions were paid since 2022 then to find out my employer/brother George Robinson Jr. paid my contributions at a salary of $400.00 all those years even though from about 1996 our father George Robinson Sr. paid us all 800.00 per week. I have not heard from the supervisor miss Duncomb or or the agent, Allen. The problem is, at 63 I planned to enjoy my NIB benefits. Another problem we paid in cash. I pleaded with NIB that it is impossible to pay monthly mortgage feed clothe and educate 4 children by myself a sole provider on $400.00 per week. ThecLabor Board is even worst claiming I am owed gour thousand dollars $4,000:00 after 40 years of management. Sometimes the courts may do justice for some. I pray to God for my case.

On NIB comes through after long wait

Posted 13 April 2024, 2:15 p.m. Suggest removal