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carltonr61 says...


carltonr61 says...

The PLP's attempt to legalize Cannibas is designed with global solid evidenced based safe data experience. According to the United Nations, as with The Bahamas, all nations that legalized Cannibas were not virgin territories but already had a pre existing endemic use among the population with a solid saturation of users and availability. Legalization only allows for pre existing data to be accumulated. Legalization opened up the patients to reveal personal healtth concerns among smokers and to address academics, warnings and health concerns. Medical institutions here in The Bahamas are still to request patient information "do you gamble do you use Cannibas and by which means of consumption?"

carltonr61 says...

According to United Nations Office on Drugs And Crime 2022 five book addition: based on true data evidence from nations that legslized Cannabis there was no rise in crime, that government was documenting user sales evidence revealed that older users age 50 to 70 skyrocketed but when questioned found out that they were using for decades. In Canada, due to legalization windows opened up on opportunities to assist and educate. Pregnant women, through legal declaration at clinics suddenly were abkecto warn mothers if Cannabis impact on the developing Fetus. Lije a vehicle gas gauge dial, Cannabis has a trajectory of effects which must be looked at individually as at each stage of life creates a different impact. There are so many streetvpeople because the potency of Cannabis was 3% in the 70s 70 early 80s, which has since risen to 15% normal and through chemical extraction up to 99%.

carltonr61 says...

Historically, you are describing just the very scenario that exists today from the 1970s. Not wanting to engage in politics but Cannabis needs regulation and education to get rid of it being available exclusively to criminal sellers and making users all criminals. This exclusively criminal muti-billion dollar industry has created international drug lords that damaged every nation, which lead to Uruguay Cannibas decriminalization then murders stopped.

carltonr61 says...

The Medical Association of The Bahamas (online)lists Cannabis as a major supplement in safe pain control, and a host of emotional, mental and physiological ailments only awaiting Government legalization. Gambling is ranked DSM-5 along with cocaine substance addiction although it is a behavior. Cannibis directly affects cranial nerve 2 all things related to eye relaxation. Cannibis also immediately have an effect on chronic deadly stress because it causes the release of Dopermine and serotonin as a psychotropic property on THC. but also, for safe pain suppression due to cancers chewing into the nerves. Doctors are forced to give patients opioids, all of which are addictive with the potential of death.

carltonr61 says...

In order for Pitts and the USA Government to be real to The Bahamas, they must realize our economic climate and how we shiver from their deadly tourist warnings. Our crime statistical breakdown involves personal issues murder resolved through murder. And never never ever threatened visitors as we are a 7 by 21 family feud, not even gang related and organized from a definitive head leader. USA intelligence needs to take control of international press releases related to the breath we breathe and the waters we sell. Any two families could ignite in a spike in crime. USA needs to get real with their statistical revelations and depuctions filter of Bahamian crime.

Further it is a crime that The Bahamas has not falken in line that the vast majority or Americans critically fear our Cannabis laws and we are loosing countless millions of North American and European tourists because of this. The Bahamadustbstop posing as a terminal threat to guests where their homelands call cannabis home.

carltonr61 says...

I too was fearful of the Obeah belief. But, I am a creative writer. The late Calvin Lockhart RIP brought in an agent to advise me on my potential novel HIGH. The Bahamian historical mosaic defines pre Columbus Lucayans, clash of civilizations, about two hundred years go by then African slavery to the America's by Portugal followed by the UK. Colonization and the African diaspora with culture to our Shires. Colonial Rule moved onto local rule then majorityvrule. The drugs 80s added to our history with exploits between The America's, The Bahamas and N America.
The agent, Professor Troupe, creative writing specialist, told me point blank. All I had in my fiction contained elements Bahamians copy from USA, cocaine, violence, corruption and millions. To sell to the world market I had to write about something they knew nothing about that would be fresh to a huge audience and that was Obeah. Haiti already developed the Voodoo which they own. Fircartistucs purposes The Bahamas owns Obeah intrigue. high. bahamian obeah and black magic. It took me five years of thought to realize I needed to listen to specialists in creative art in order to create curiosities uniquely Bahamian to a foreign watchers and readers.

On Obeah not a cultural norm here

Posted 14 March 2024, 1:53 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

Most women inflict silent abuse on men. They give an in public performance then men know that out if the sunlight into the shadows the severe pains of loneliness begins. Some men go on to commit slow drinking or other coping mechanisms. Some go on go commit adultery then become shamed by society. Men vould take physical blows bot the blows that cripple the heart leave no bruises.

carltonr61 says...

When we legalize Cannabis and it becomes decriminalized would there be confiscation still

carltonr61 says...

Statistics and thrends are used worldwide to detect patterns and threats to sensitive economies. Statistics show patterns of concern. We may see a threat coming if know consistency in day, time, place, conditional options. Statistics are the first tool in crime prevention oe suicide prevention.