Comment history

christee says...

The board is not the problem. The cancer that is killing BPL is the CEO. The board was only initiating oversight of his reckless behavior. Something is very fishy here and the minister is complicit in his actions of removing the people who were watching the people's money.

christee says...

The resignation of the HR Director now paves the way for the CEO to bring in his sweetie from Grand Bahama.

christee says...

It is not feasible to insure utility transmission equipment in the hurricane zone. What companies are doing instead is taking a percentage of the profit that is paid out to shareholders and putting it into a disaster fund for times like this. Given the fact that we get hit with a major hurricane about once every 10 - 12 years, if they were doing this, then they should have saved up almost enough to cover these costs.

christee says...

This is the most absurd thing I have ever heard. We live in a democracy and as such, no government can force individuals to open accounts at any bank

On ‘Protect BOB at all costs’

Posted 31 March 2016, 10:05 a.m. Suggest removal

christee says...

When Nygard travels abroad, does he appoint Christie Acting Prime Minister?

christee says...

Thanks to the Tribune for bringing this matter to light. This is the only way Bahamians will know what is going on in the dark corners. Publius, I understand why they have not allowed commenting on some articles. This matter is before the courts and we must be careful of the speculations in these forums. It is the right thing to do.

christee says...

This is exactly my point. We need to get away from this charisma thing and look for leadership characteristics. PGC is very charismatic, but is he a good leader? Is he a leader at all? We will forever be in this crisis unless we mature to the point where we realize that the ability to lead is not the same as being charismatic. Under this current "charismatic" leader, the cost of living has gone way up while the quality of life has declined for most of us. As long as a politician entertain the masses with his charisma, he will get their support and he knows this fact. That is why we are abused and neglected.

On Bahamian politics

Posted 24 September 2015, 3:56 p.m. Suggest removal

christee says...

"Dock"? Is this person trying to to abbreviate document?

On Sarkis: Government has chosen perilous path

Posted 25 August 2015, 9:48 a.m. Suggest removal

christee says...

Only a family member could have written this. I don't think there is a Bahamian out there who believes Perry Christie is anything but a lousy, worthless leader.

On Happy birthday, Mr Christie

Posted 21 August 2015, 4:36 p.m. Suggest removal

christee says...

We will never know the capabilities of Dr. Minnis unless we give him a try. One thing is certain though - The present government is a total failure. Dr. Minnis may not be a flamboyant shuffler like PGC, but flamboyancy and shuffling is not what we need to move this country forward. This government is taxing the middle class into poverty while they and their cronies live like kings and queens off the blood, sweat and tears of Bahamians. This government is the worst we have ever had. Let's get rid of them. We cannot take another five years of this.

On Minnis, a man with a plan

Posted 21 August 2015, 7:43 a.m. Suggest removal