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cmiller says...

All these fellas in bed with Nygard. My head is spinning!!!!

cmiller says...

Exuma, just like Abaco and New Providence have caused their own problems as far as illegal immigrants are concerned. Bahamian employers are the culprit here, the illegals are simply responding what they perceive as a work demand made by Bahamians. So, we are the blame for this!!!!

On 46 Haitian immigrants arrested in Exuma

Posted 21 March 2016, 7:21 a.m. Suggest removal

cmiller says...

The damage to the PLP was done by the words coming out of Nygard's mouth, dummy!!! And you call yourself minister of what????

On ‘Activists seek to topple govt’

Posted 18 March 2016, 1:16 p.m. Suggest removal

cmiller says...

Interview with primeminister:
Greenslade: I must ask point-blank if any of the Nygard accusations are true? Are you
Nygard's b---ch as portrayed in the released tapes?

Christie: I here-for-to am attempting to coagulate the velocity at which the alleged combinations of negative portrayals of myself and my esteemed government are categorically being reported as truth. Until such a time as these unfortunate inflamatory utterances are devolved and delineated, I must categorically deny all emerging utterances from detractors.

Greenslade: Ummmmm... that's good enough for our records. Thanks for taking time out from your busy schedule to meet with me.

cmiller says...

The PLP is financially raping citizens of this country. Can we lodge a lawsuit against them to stop them taking more money out of our salaries for the upcoming NHI??????

cmiller says...

Everybody in this country has a right to free speech.

On Baha Mar vs The Pointe

Posted 10 March 2016, 2:29 p.m. Suggest removal

cmiller says...

I am just hoping the real story will be revealed soon. Don't know what to believe.

On Hospital rejects claims by U.S. patient

Posted 10 March 2016, 1:57 p.m. Suggest removal

cmiller says...

They have to remember too that the Bahamian population is not a bottomless pit that they can keep dragging taxes out of to fund their bungling.

The only way they can fund this, is by dragging it out of our salaries like they do with NIB.

On Caution urged on new tax to fund NHI

Posted 10 March 2016, 1:52 p.m. Suggest removal

cmiller says...

Every once in awhile, he drags this old rag out, gives it a shake, and puts it back up!!!!

cmiller says...

Who the hell cares what he backs or doesn't back. We just waiting to vote yall asses out!!!!!!!