Comment history

cmiller says...

I am really getting to hate seeing and hearing from people like this slimy guy!!!!!!

cmiller says...

Leave that access open, and whichever government is responsible for the beach accesses should make sure there are sufficient of them for all Bahamians to enjoy our beaches.

We have a lot of beautiful beaches, but high walls and fences have blocked about 98% of access to the beaches.

cmiller says...

My God!!! They print this even after we all saw the kicking and dragging on video. Is there no shame left in the police force and in the government.

cmiller says...

Will we NEVER see the end to these Pindlings??????

On 500 work permits for The Pointe

Posted 2 March 2016, 11:07 a.m. Suggest removal

cmiller says...

Amen, totally agree!!!!

cmiller says...

Can't stop laughing at yall

On Headlights on full

Posted 19 February 2016, 12:26 p.m. Suggest removal

cmiller says...

He's shocked that people found out.

The biggest hurdle for all these parties is that Bahamians are now rooting out the truth about everything and there's no more hiding for these politicians. Some of them are reeling!! Lady Pindling, Ishmael Lightbourne, Allison Gibson, Alfred Grey, etc.

All the country's business revealed in glaring spotlights, thanks to social media. I say, keep on digging up the truth, Bahamians!!!!

cmiller says...

The biggest hurdle politicians is that Bahamians are now rooting out the truth about everything and there's no more hiding for these politicians. Some of them are reeling!! Lady Pindling, Ishmael Lightbourne, Allison Gibson, Alfred Grey, etc.

All the country's business revealed in glaring spotlights, thanks to social media. I say, keep on digging up the truth, Bahamians!!!!

cmiller says...

The biggest hurdle for all these parties is that Bahamians are now rooting out the truth about everything and there's no more hiding for these politicians. Some of them are reeling!! Lady Pindling, Ishmael Lightbourne, Allison Gibson, Alfred Grey, etc.

All the country's business revealed in glaring spotlights, thanks to social media. I say, keep on digging up the truth, Bahamians!!!!

On FNM ‘is in a difficult place’

Posted 19 February 2016, 8:36 a.m. Suggest removal

cmiller says...

Jesus take the NHI wheel!!

Isn't this what people were saying to this fool for awhile?? Now he's jumping out with this announcement like its a brand new idea!!!!