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cmiller says...

Political parties need to stop making these types of statements. If they win the next election, I can't see anything in this country changing, and somebody will have to come along and make this same statement about them.

Remember the billboards, remember the first 100 days ( hit the ground running) manifesto, remember the mortgage promise, remember the solve crime promise?

Just make honest statements to us and stop the hype!!! We are not convinced by ANY of you politicians anymore.

cmiller says...

I don't know why Minnis is wanting to accept all of these cast off PLP's into the FNM. I really don't think that is what FNM's want. The problem is that the government is scrapping for money, so the cookie jar is EMPTY. These fellas can't tief, so they have to go look for new jobs. What a time!!!!!!

cmiller says...

Should have been assessing the matter when the light was off!!!!! its on now, so what's to assess???????? Jesus, please take this wheel!!!!!!!!

cmiller says...

If we don't let these youngsters face the consequences of their actions, and they get away with this, there will be a whole lot more of this type of attacks.

On Teenagers face court over boy's stabbing

Posted 15 December 2015, 11:58 a.m. Suggest removal

cmiller says...

The only data they will need is how much you get paid so they will know how much to take from your salary, when you register, mark my words.

On 'Govt put $100m cost on NHI without data'

Posted 14 December 2015, 12:53 p.m. Suggest removal

cmiller says...

This whole thing will just end up being another tax taken directly from our salaries and nothing else.. They have no plan other than that.

On 'Govt put $100m cost on NHI without data'

Posted 14 December 2015, 12:50 p.m. Suggest removal

cmiller says...

I am pondering why anybody in the government is surprised! We the people, are not surprised. We the people, would like to see it investigated. We the people, would like names to be called and members prosecuted. We the people, know that there is going to be a lot of dancing around and words,words, words, but nothing else will come out of this. We the people, are SICK of this nonsense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On Call for probe into Stellar CEO's claim

Posted 11 December 2015, 10:40 a.m. Suggest removal

cmiller says...

I can almost see this rolling out next year.
First, we register.
Then, money is taken from our salaries like with NIB
Then, we get nothing more from PMH that we are getting now, but he says he wants to show us now what we will be paying for later!!!

Ours is a comprehensive programme created to ensure that the hospitals and clinics in our country match what people would expect when they are paying for health insurance, he says. Really???

On PM: NHI won’t destabilise economy

Posted 10 December 2015, 3:33 p.m. Suggest removal

cmiller says...

Oh my goodness! Can we just accept the compliment gracefully?? I know many, many really nice Bahamians.

cmiller says...

Obviously, since there are so many girls, there is a great demand for their services.