Comment history

cmiller says...

NHI is like something in a paper bag that nobody knows what it looks like. When Perry pulls it out, he will probably scream!!!! If you don't laugh at all of this nonsense, you'll probably never stop crying to see where we are going as a country!!!

On 22 days to go - and still no NHI legislation

Posted 9 December 2015, 2:42 p.m. Suggest removal

cmiller says...

Who the hell cares where he goes????

On Gomez denies he will leave the PLP

Posted 9 December 2015, 2:40 p.m. Suggest removal

cmiller says...

So hard to believe anything that comes out of her mouth anymore.

cmiller says...

Why doesn't the government just deport these people regularly instead of holding them so long?

cmiller says...

The abuse probably happens because these officers are usually political appointees with no idea of how to conduct themselves in such positions of responsibility.

cmiller says...

These immigrants pass Cuba straight by, to come here. Cubans do worse than that to them, so they do not go there.

On Munroe: Flog the immigrants

Posted 7 December 2015, 12:48 p.m. Suggest removal

cmiller says...

Probably not, but she has everybody expecting the worst while she's just getting her groove on!!!!!!!!!

cmiller says...

Okay, so she met a guy and decided to have some extra fun in the Bahamas. Slack b---ch

cmiller says...

The first and only roll-out for NHI will be to deduct money from our salaries like they do for NIB. Thats the ONLY thing this government has planned in regards to this crap.

cmiller says...

These politicians would say anything to get elected.