Comment history

concernedcitizen says...

I will give you 4 to 1 the deficit is half a billion this year , at a minimum . I,m convinced all that travel is toting the U S out .

concernedcitizen says...

some of the contracts are just ways of getting money out of the Treasury to family and friends .In 2023 we did the most tourist ever and the most FDI and we still add another half a billion to the debt .Now we got the PM and four MPs flying off to Botswana .I think some of this trips are just to tote the U S cash to outside banks and investment ..The PM looks like a smiling Mugabe as they rob us the tax payers blind .

concernedcitizen says...

Good Lord these people have no conscience , they have already blown through the money from our record nine million visitors last year , and are basically flying here ,there and everywhere on borrowed money .

concernedcitizen says...

Yes the numbers man will own a lot after making their money from the misery of the working man and woman

concernedcitizen says...

I bet they are more reliable than BPL lol

concernedcitizen says...

Who is he fronting for lol

concernedcitizen says...

And If Bahamas Striping and its partners are putting up money they would put up toll booths or a tax added to car registration to get their money back with a profit

On $100m roadworks for Eleuthera revealed

Posted 15 March 2024, 1:51 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

All of the big ARBNB are foreign owned , as are the new developments

On What is going on in Exuma Cays?

Posted 14 March 2024, 9:59 a.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

Does he forget Pindlings and our other leaders,MP , and high ranking police involvement in the drug trade

On Crime is not out of control

Posted 12 March 2024, 9:37 a.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

You say 24 billion revenue for Royal Caribbean , how much profit ?? Those ships cost a fortune to build and I,m sure it takes decades to get that cost back ..Talk profits not gross revenue .