Comment history

crabman says...

LOP, was a brilliant, teacher, look at how far we have come with our country, the magazines said we were a country for sale, well the legacy came true. Our country is no longer ours.

Those who sat at the knee of the scholar are now running our country, the sad thing they still believe we are a country for sale, but they have grown smart in the passing years and like an unscrupulous real estate salesman, they have sold our one single country over and over and over again.

As a very wise man once said, and it is obvious that it has become a family tradition, all for me baby, all for me.

crabman says...

I believe that is about the same thing Hitler had said, and Pharaoh, and Stalin, and Castro, and on and on and on.

We would not need that much in the way of foreign investments if our own people would invest in their own country, but wealthy Bahamians are SMART enough to know that they should not trust their own government, if you would deport someone for not dancing to your music, what would you do to someone you cannot deport, throw them in fox hill.

The Chinese influence is starting to infiltrate our own government, Communism is just around the corner.

God Help US All, and once the communist party takes over,you will not even be allowed to say that.

Good Day and Good Luck, my fellow Bahamians.

crabman says...

would the following please pick up their one way tickets to china-

Allyson Maynard Gibson, Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs; Sir Baltron Bethel, Senior Policy Advisor to the Prime Minister; Creswell Sturrup, Permanent Secretary in the Office of the Prime Minister; Sheila Carey, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Loren Klein, Consultant in the Office of the Attorney General; Deepak Bhatnagar, Financial Advisor in the Office of the Prime Minister; George Hutchison, Acting Director in the Ministry of Works; Shari Moxey, Counsel in the Office of the Attorney General; Kristal Thompson-Bethel, Director in the Office of the Prime Minister; and Charles Robert Reiss, Consultant in the Ministry of Works.

Gē dé mǔgǒu

crabman says...

would the following please pick up their one way tickets to china-

Allyson Maynard Gibson, Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs; Sir Baltron Bethel, Senior Policy Advisor to the Prime Minister; Creswell Sturrup, Permanent Secretary in the Office of the Prime Minister; Sheila Carey, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Loren Klein, Consultant in the Office of the Attorney General; Deepak Bhatnagar, Financial Advisor in the Office of the Prime Minister; George Hutchison, Acting Director in the Ministry of Works; Shari Moxey, Counsel in the Office of the Attorney General; Kristal Thompson-Bethel, Director in the Office of the Prime Minister; and Charles Robert Reiss, Consultant in the Ministry of Works.

crabman says...

once we were "Solid, Solid as a Rock

On Paradise Lost: DNA Independence message

Posted 12 July 2015, 8:43 p.m. Suggest removal

crabman says...

we got our independence from great britain and someday we will also be freed from china

crabman says...

Other Investors Have Shown Interest In the Princess Casino Property, the Lucayan Beach Hotel, The International Bazaar, etc. etc. etc. Just more of the same old smoke screen, who was the last person to show interest in the old Isle of Capri Casino, that is still a drain on our people, same old crew same old stories, same old lies....................

crabman says...


Get used to these characters

On Talks agreed over Baha Mar

Posted 8 July 2015, 5:03 p.m. Suggest removal

crabman says...

the government has taken from the investors for the last time, they are now fighting back, doesn't matter what party you are, you always took and took, well it looks like those days are over suckas

crabman says...

Lions and Tigers and Bears Oh My!!!!!

On Talks agreed over Baha Mar

Posted 8 July 2015, 3:16 p.m. Suggest removal