Comment history

crabman says...

Mrs Maynard-Gibson said the decision to circumvent the Bahamian court system and file for Chapter 11 in a US court without notice to major stakeholders opened the door for “serious and far-reaching implications” to the country’s sovereignty.

Mrs. Maynard, who do you think owns the Bahamas??

On Govt blamed for Baha Mar pay delay

Posted 7 July 2015, 12:34 p.m. Suggest removal

crabman says...

the day's of financial threats, immigration attacks and payoff's (well almost on the payoff's) is over, the Bahamas is no longer owned by the Bahamian people. It belongs to the Chinese look at Nassau look at Freeport look anywhere we are short on the financial wherewithal to pay our debts (which is everywhere) big businesses from other countries now tell the government what they are going to do if they want investors in the country, just look at Bimini.

Bahamas Land my ass, we are just paying "rent" in our own country, god save the "ping"

crabman says...

mr prime minister please take all of the money that will not be used for baha mar and pay me back for letting clico take my lifes savings

crabman says...

okay so where is my retirement that the government let leave the country through pure stupidity when they let CLICO steal my life's savings????????????? if you can find the money from somewhere for something dig a little deeper

On Baha Mar to be given $21m

Posted 23 June 2015, 8:13 p.m. Suggest removal

crabman says...

freedom of speech, for everyone

crabman says...

did anyone really expect this to open on time? did the contractors sign a completion bond which holds them responsible for a due date and if they miss that due date they are basically fined every day they are late or was it a bahamian completion bond that says if you keep putting money in my pocket you can complete it when ever you are ready. just a nation for sale (again)

On Baha Mar opening is delayed to May

Posted 25 March 2015, 8:05 p.m. Suggest removal

crabman says...

nothing like having a personal "union" bank account, All for Me Baby

crabman says...

don't be a hater, as we said back in the day, hate the game.......Oh say can you see all the MONEY on ME............

crabman says...

Now we have something we can use to get into the Guinness Book of World Records

crabman says...

God, I love this country, it don't get any better that in the Bahamas, this is some funny sh*t

On $300,000 bribe paid to win BEC contract

Posted 23 December 2014, 8:57 p.m. Suggest removal