Comment history

dahasamo says...

Why would you think this cabinet talks about anything but which trip to take and which foreigner to kowtow to. They do not care.

dahasamo says...

The reference to the BEC board member continues, but the Cabinet Minister responsible for BEC has stated publicly that it was a Cabinet decision to overrule the Board.

dahasamo says...

It used to be that for Government contracts, in addition to the property insurance, a performance bond had to be acquired so that the Government was protected if the contractor defaulted on the job. When did this change?

dahasamo says...

I would have believed it was a Board member if the Minister Responsible did not report that it was a cabinet decision.

On DNA calls for police probe of BEC bribe

Posted 4 March 2015, 3:30 p.m. Suggest removal

dahasamo says...

I hope you do not cancel your trip. Most of your time will be spent on the property and knowing what I know of the area, I believe your family would be safe.

dahasamo says...

Sad story. How old was the "elderly" man?

dahasamo says...

As per notice to shareholders in newspapers last week $1.1 million taken from the Treasury to pay dividends to preference shareholders of BOB with no obligation to repay. You cannot make this stuff up.

dahasamo says...

Another referendum -- I thought there was a law in place providing for penalties for certain crimes and that death by hanging resulted if the jury found the perpetrator guilty. The PC saying that the murder had to be the worst of the worse seems to mean that the method of killing would determine if the penalty was to be enforced. It seems that the Privy Council is now the arbiter of Bahamian law.

dahasamo says...

Check out the Insurance Commission which issues statements of principles and policies which have absolutely no connection with the Insurance Act. The precedent has been set and this entity actually has a Commissioner in place.

dahasamo says...

Could not have said it better myself.

On Hospital auditor defends report

Posted 16 October 2014, 1:56 p.m. Suggest removal