Comment history

dahasamo says...

On the question of double dipping, this is the established practice for the entire civil service. Does NIB just pay out money without verifying entitlement and does the employer (Government) contribute to NIB and then allow the employee to collect the employer's contribution? NIB came into effect just after mid-1976, and 37 years of this doube dipping by civil servants and Government Corporations means that we coud probably make a large dent in the public debt IF there was a way to recoup. (We could dream.)

On ‘Grave’ warning to BEC unions

Posted 9 November 2013, 4:54 p.m. Suggest removal

dahasamo says...

Michael Scott is the RECTOR of the church not Director.. Once might have been a typo but repeated????i

On Family says farewell to Kurt McCartney

Posted 5 November 2013, 8:25 a.m. Suggest removal

dahasamo says...

More jobs for the boys. Did this go out to tender?

On Faded discs force govt to relicense cars

Posted 11 October 2013, 4:48 p.m. Suggest removal

dahasamo says...

Who is Jolton Johnson and where did he come from? This story cries out for some good background reporting and investigation of this man's history.

On How plan for a library became row over office

Posted 24 September 2013, 6:27 p.m. Suggest removal

dahasamo says...

Disenfranchised? On the contrary, these are the voters who always select the representatives who treat them with contempt and neglect.

On ‘That’s Bain Town for ya’

Posted 18 September 2013, 9:04 p.m. Suggest removal

dahasamo says...

Bain Town -- who is the representative? Would he or she live in this constituency?

On Exploring the curse of crime

Posted 18 September 2013, 1:03 p.m. Suggest removal

dahasamo says...

Eugene Newry???? In the words of John McEnroe --"you cannot be serious".

On New Bahamas ambassadors to U.S. and U.N.

Posted 20 August 2013, 9:07 p.m. Suggest removal

dahasamo says...

This comment is encouraging, not only for the clarity of thought, but also because it expresses in just a few words the blatant hypocrisy of the holder of the office of Attorney General. She is truly a member of the club of politicians who believe that if they cover their eyes, they cannot be seen by anyone.

On AG wants Fred Smith to apologise

Posted 29 July 2013, 7:03 p.m. Suggest removal

dahasamo says...

A 56 year old is described as "elderly" ... I looked in vain for the Tribune to describe the 74 year old US Embassy worker as elderly.

dahasamo says...

I thought the need for a PR director was the main point of the According to Me column last week???

On ‘We eat our own in this country’

Posted 29 June 2013, 10:28 a.m. Suggest removal