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dehavmoss says...

"Among the plans were increased police saturation patrols in crime hot spots, promises to introduce legislation that will give career criminals stiffer penalties for gun crimes and consideration of legislation to restrict the granting of bail for those charged with violent crimes"........

These plans have not been sustained or have not been introduced. The government cannot share the total responsibility for crime, but watching the interview with our prime minister the other day, he seems a beaten and defeated man. Does he have the energy to ensure that the government does its part in the next 32 months? And can he be the bridge that through his actions, will inspire Bahamians to act more responsibly to assist the police and each other?

We will know by the amount of dead bodies that continue to mount.

On Minnis: PM has failed the nation over crime

Posted 27 August 2014, 1:11 p.m. Suggest removal

dehavmoss says...

So one and done is what everyone saying. Dr. Smith made a mistake and he should be done. A suitably qualified Bahamian is to be denied another chance to lead COB because he made a mistake for which he has already paid and apologized for.
If we hold this same non practical standard for our other leaders, I dare say we would have no one to lead.
If it were up to me, I would give Dr. Smith another chance especially since he is the most suitably qualified Bahamian that was apart of the process.

On COB candidate: I regret mistake

Posted 5 August 2014, 12:19 p.m. Suggest removal

dehavmoss says...

Let's go Team Bahamas.

dehavmoss says...

Great article sir. In our attempt to maintain political power, governments have leveled the playing field, but instead have given opportunities to their supporters. What a Bahamas we could have if there was equal opportunity across all spheres; if the best Bahamian talent would be allowed to exercise his/her skill.

A Bahamas where creativity and fresh ideas are encouraged and implemented.......Let me stop dreaming.

But great article.

On Briefly

Posted 30 June 2014, 11:58 a.m. Suggest removal

dehavmoss says...

Congratulations to you sir and I wish you continued success.

dehavmoss says...

Surprise, surprise. I think not. Bahamians are again getting another glimpse of what really goes on in their country. But not to worry. Business as usual I presume.

On Nygard prosecution urged 14 years ago

Posted 19 June 2014, 12:09 p.m. Suggest removal

dehavmoss says...

It's amazing to me that the Tribune and the Guardian have printed a completely different analysis of the said report. How can this be? Isn't the report the same.

We shall hopefully have a chance to see who is trying to misrepresent the truth in short order. I don't believe the forensic audit should be about politics.

This is about serious allegations of abuses of power and alleged unauthorized corporate bonuses.
We shall all soon know the truth.

dehavmoss says...

So true. Christie will be Christie. He appears to be ill prepared to ruffle any PLP supporters feathers.

dehavmoss says...

I hope the young lady fully recovers; It just seems as if there is more to this story than is being reported.

On Girl, 14, shot by gunman for having no cash

Posted 3 December 2012, 1:26 p.m. Suggest removal

dehavmoss says...

You guys are making loads of sense. We need the media to follow through on stories as opposed to just believing everything that they are told. We need to hear the story behind the story.

On Where are the journalists?

Posted 27 November 2012, 5:57 a.m. Suggest removal