Comment history

dehavmoss says...

I agree with some of your comments. Making public that Dr. Minnis did not support her does not help the interest of the FNM and it certainly will not help her cause for self pity. I believe that the country needs the official opposition to be more stronger and effectively address the many issues that the PLP seems to be mishandling.

dehavmoss says...

Dr. Sands for Leader.

On Sands admits harm from FNM infighting

Posted 1 October 2014, 1:09 p.m. Suggest removal

dehavmoss says...

True. At the least the public should have already known who died, where and that an active investigation is ongoing. The argument that the case can be prejudiced is ludicrous because the coroner will look at the facts irrespective of what the police says.

dehavmoss says...

No one is talking about hate here. This is a fundamental issue that cannot be 'Biblically' substantiated. You can twist and turn all you want.
There are a lot of wrong things happening in society that I am sure the Church needs to give more attention to. For example, even people who have sex before marriage is now accepted in society. This is one area the Church can talk more on. But the fact that it is happening doesn't make it right.

Churches that subscribe to the Holy Bible just can't pick and chose what they are going to believe.or preach on, They have a manual that should be followed.

If there are pastors, churches out there preaching or teaching something else, then they are all suspect. And trust me, there are a lot of them around.

On In response to Tada

Posted 29 September 2014, 10:57 p.m. Suggest removal

dehavmoss says...

That's the problem. They apparently for some strange reason don't know that they are in over their head. It is this ill fated fixation that they have the answers that can spell doom for the country.

I am hopeful that citizens take a more critical approach to their political leaders performance and then make informed decisions.

On Leadership crisis

Posted 26 September 2014, 1:27 p.m. Suggest removal

dehavmoss says...

The commissioner can't take the full brunt for our continuing crime problem, but it is evident that he has lost the confidence of the Bahamian public.

A new mandate is needed all across this country starting from the AG's office, National Security, the courts, witness protection and the list goes on and on.

We need to start holding elected and appointed officials accountable. Where are their report cards? How are we measuring the success or failures of their terms of leadership?

dehavmoss says...

The young man was in jail for four years waiting for a trial. Two years under the FNM and two years under the PLP. Bail was imminent because of our failure to bring in what we call "Swift Justice". But even if the case was tried and the young man was found not guilty, there still would have been ill feelings when he was released.
The point here is that a murder conviction is so rare compared to the amount of murders committed in the Bahamas, that a lot of young men have made up their minds to enforce their own street justice.
There is no confidence in the justice system when it comes to murder. And this is an issue that needs to be fixed.

On Dead man was relative of victim in murder case

Posted 18 September 2014, 9:39 a.m. Suggest removal

dehavmoss says...

Would surely like to know what the hold up is.

On COB choice for president still negotiating pay

Posted 10 September 2014, 9:33 a.m. Suggest removal

dehavmoss says...

"Acceptance of prevailing standards often mean we have no standards of our own", Jean Toomer. Not because some parts of America and some parts of the world say it is right mean that it is right. Our stance on this issue must not be drawn in the sand, but it must be chiseled in concrete. Dr.Munroe is on point and I am glad he called out the government.

dehavmoss says...

They say that if the blind leads the blind both of them will fall in a ditch. I dare anyone to tell me that the policies or lack thereof of successive governments have not contributed heavily to our never ending downward spiral when it comes to crime.

[That is except for the Bahamians out there with no reasoning ability, those who refuse to accept facts and/or those who have blind allegiances. Your usual and "loop holed" commentary will not be taken seriously for this exercise].

NB# Successive governments refers to the FNM and the PLP.