Comment history

djgross says...

How about they pay former expat Baha Mar employees what they're owed. I am still waiting. End this discrimination.

djgross says...

It's about time that former Baha Mar foreign workers get paid what they're owed in salary and severance. End the discrimination. It looks bad that Bahamian workers were paid, but not foreign workers. There are more than 200 expat employees who were promised payment in 2016. We're still waiting.

On Baha Mar - and what comes next

Posted 20 May 2017, 10:58 a.m. Suggest removal

djgross says...

It would be nice if Government authorizes release of funds to pay the 200+ expat employees who are owed earned salary and severance. End this discriminatory action. Bahamians were paid. How about us?

djgross says...

I would like to know when the 200+ expat former employees of Baha Mar will be paid owed salary and severance. Bahamians were paid, but not foreign workers? Why was this apparent discrimination permitted? Why aren't Bahamian labor laws enforced? Are contracts only valid if you're Bahamian?

djgross says...

"(we avoided the issue of payments to foreigners)" Why?
Why were expat workers not paid, after being told that they would be?
How is this discrimination acceptable?

djgross says...

Ex Bahamian employees were paid, but 200+ expatriate former employees are still waiting to be paid owed salary and severance. This appears to be Government of the Bahamas sanctioned discrimination. When will we be paid?

djgross says...

While “Hundreds of former Bahamian employees of Baha Mar have received the outstanding amounts due to them - unpaid salaries, severance pay," there are still 200+ former expatriate employees who are still waiting to be paid the amounts due to them. This action appears to be Government of Bahamas sanctioned discrimination. What is the value of a contract in the Bahamas; if you're not Bahamian apparently it's not worth anything. This practice is not only unfair, but unlawful. When will we be paid???

djgross says...

250+ former expat employees of Baha Mar are still waiting to be paid for owed salary and severance. When will we be paid? We were told by the end of 2016. This appears to be Government of Bahamas sanctioned discrimination. Bahamians have been paid. Our patience is wearing thin.

djgross says...

More than 200 expat former employees of Baha Mar are still waiting on China ExIm bank to authorize payment of owed salary and severance per our contracts. What value is a contract in the Bahamas if the law can be subverted? All Bahamians workers have been paid. How about us? This illegal discrimination looks bad.

On China and building Baha Mar

Posted 31 March 2017, 12:44 p.m. Suggest removal

djgross says...

I would like to know when ex foreign workers of Baha Mar are to be paid salary and severance owed to them by contract? Bahamian workers have been paid - how about us? What is the value of a contract in the Bahamas if the government sanctions discrimination?