Comment history

donald says...

No to New World Order

donald says...

I do not believe the breaks and concessions our for foreigners. They are for investors that create jobs. You should be asking, why don't more Bahamians invest in their own country?

Have you also thought about less taxes in general and complain more about wasteful government?

donald says...

Government is always wasteful at best. Keep it as small as possible. Get rid of government running private companies ie: Bahamas Air, BOB, hotels, cable, phone, and water, etc.

donald says...

Why raise taxes again, it slows the economy. Cut government spending!

On Taxing the rich? What a joke!

Posted 3 June 2021, 6:51 p.m. Suggest removal

donald says...

Where did all the VAT money go???

donald says...

When will it end? More taxes, more regulations. When will business and people have enough of this madness?

donald says...

When is government going to get out of private business. I believe government loses money with an airline, bank, hotel, cable, water, electric, etc. Create private sector competitors. Too much opportunity for corruption when public funds are used for private business.

donald says...

More Government money into the blackhole, never to be found again.

donald says...

Great way to kill the few construction jobs that are left.