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enough says...

You know I think most parents are concerned about timing. We are not asking them to cancel the exams, we just cannot understand why the sudden rush. Private schools are ending this week and doing assessments/final exams. In fact last week teachers were telling students, as there had been no communication and school was closing in less than a week, that exams would probably happen in the Fall.

MOE wants to all of a sudden use the excuse everyone else in the region is doing it. Well guess what they announced the second week in May the dates for their exams. Also their exams, CXC, have an online option. Again why the rush to put students who have had to adjust to online learning the last 3 months , may not be in a frame of mind after all we have gone through to sit these. What is wrong with thinking out the box. Maybe open schools in August for review and exams happen mid August.

enough says...

Sooo you are telling me we had the kids locked away for 3 months because of a pandemic, most schools had planned to end next week. And poof now we are going to tell them "hey in less than a month you now have to go in a room full or your peers, although we still are not certain how this will play out and take an exam."

UK cancelled all national exams more than a month ago, GCSEs, etc. There is enough going on right now that adults have to contend with let these children be, they have been affected as well.

enough says...

More than nonsense. You say you want people to stay home but you allow this. At this rate of stupidity we maybe in our houses until June.How simple would it have been to just send out a memo to Commissioner that anyone whose plates have March 2020 as an expiry do not book them. Smt.

On Licence misery for motorists

Posted 1 April 2020, 8:22 a.m. Suggest removal

enough says...

Correct Well Mudda. Of course you will have 0 cases if you are not testing. This is akin to if I was a student and claim I am a straight 'A' student. If not one is assessing or testing me then no one can dispute that I am an 'A' student.

Testing is key to managing this crisis.

enough says...

Bahamianson what can they say remember the Water & Sewerage Board Member called people "African Monkeys."…

Ahh boy, we need a new leader and opposition leader ASAP. In fact can we just get two new, capable political parties?

On ‘Darkies’ remark forces apology

Posted 12 February 2020, 1:43 p.m. Suggest removal

enough says...

Let's not forget that the construction industry is grossly over saturated, everyone calls themselves a contractor and overvalued (what these guys charge is ridiculous). That coupled with that fact that you have a lot of local persons fronting construction companies that are actually owned by foreigners and literally taking bread out of the mouths of local contractors. This all is a recipe for disaster for this industry. I cannot understand why the Bahamas Contractors Association is not more vocal.

On Closure fear at Cavalier job cuts

Posted 20 January 2020, 11:28 a.m. Suggest removal

enough says...

Why can't we see a list of every Government department and corporation's travel costs, reason for travelling and persons that travel. My goodness this is supposed to be 21st century governance and transparency. It is not asking for much to see this information.

On Minnis defends big increase in travel expenses

Posted 3 December 2019, 10:55 a.m. Suggest removal

enough says...

Wow Bodie has finally seen everyone for who they really are (Numbers guys, Christie, Current PM). Everything in this letter is spot on.

On Climb down from those high horses

Posted 27 November 2019, 10:51 a.m. Suggest removal

enough says...

Hrysippus I agree wholeheartedly. You see how many trips these Water & Sewerage and BPL boards alone take? I know we are signed onto these international organizations and have to participate sometimes. But not every trip. We cannot afford it. And we sure cannot to afford to take all the people we do. Secondly, how many Ambassadors are we going to appoint?

The first thing any sensible person does when they are in debt is sit down and see where cuts can be made. They do not go to their family members (the household) and insist they sell their inheritance and raid their little savings so they can contribute more when the head of the household refuses to curtail his/her spending.

enough says...

Well Mudda Sick I wish our journalists would do some investigations into the huge pensions of corporations like Water & Sewerage and BPL. Particularly those who have been there for a long time. We are talking non contributory pensions, these workers have done nothing to improve these corporations and will retire with huge pensions, which they did not contribute a dime to. They also have some of the highest salaries amoung government workers. This is our money.