Comment history

enough says...

Yet politicians and their cronies (both parties) who have stole millions of dollars from the disenfranchised, the poor and future generations walk free and are praised. You cannot make this up.

enough says...

" Is there any honesty, besides the comment section of the papers?"

This is such a true statement Porcupine. These comments are the only place I find people making sense. Sadly more sense than even the articles we comment on. You think anyone reads these?

Our country and its citizens have been living in a dream world for the past 10 years, maybe more. Our politicians continue to hide the truth and the people refuse or are maybe not in tuned enough to see it. I do not want to say ignorant cause then people assume you are talking about a certain class. If I use the world ignorant I wish to clarify I mean across the classes. I have found ignorance in the poor, middle and rich.

enough says...

SP I agree. We need to stop voting party and vote person. This party politics is killing our country and these sycophants can see no wrong with their own party. Both the PLP and FNM have doomed us and it continues. Brickell Management Group is building the dooms, BPL deal,

enough says...

understood. lol

enough says...

Correct why is that person not made to account. We all know who ordered the restarting of the engines. In fact fire the whole BPL board. Oh forgot, we in the land where no one is ever held accountable for their actions.

On Operator error blamed for BPL pier fire

Posted 8 November 2019, 9:47 a.m. Suggest removal

enough says...

No to mention that the President's wife has also been hired. And Dawes is he really the most qualified person they could have found. Have we forgot that plagiarism issue?

Also if you talk to educators and student it seemed that College of The Bahamas went from a good College to a sub par University. What was the rush to be a University? Isn't it better to be the best College you can be rather than a sub-par University?

enough says...

The problem in this country is equity. Many people are under paid and many are overpaid. I am hardly on the side of the unions but here it is they will nickle and dime these lecturers, but the President of UB is overpaid along with his wife being hired and rent. On the other end of the argument my understanding is that UB is getting worse since its transition to a University and lecturers are unreliable. So I do not even know what to say anymore.

enough says...

Porcupine, excellent post. Yes a crsis of this magnitude, a Category 5 Hurricane, would tax any government. But the facts remain our government was so ill equipped and unprepared that what would be a tought situation for most is all out disaster & chaos for us. We have buried our heads in the sand about a lot, have prayed it would get better. This crisis though has brought the lack of leadership as close up as it ever could and we can no longer turn away. Both governments have failed. Over the last 20 years we have simply recycled these poor, ineffective leaders. The very definition of insanity, doing the same thing and expecting different results. We need a fresh crop of leaders and we need it NOW.

On Legislation drafted for mandatory evacuations

Posted 11 September 2019, 9:40 a.m. Suggest removal

enough says...

Our prayer needs to be for a capable, honest independent that loves his/her country to step up for the next election and be able to attract a core group of independents. We cannot go forward with these two parties. Then next stop change our system of government.

On FNM official stands by his foul PLP rant

Posted 17 July 2019, 9:55 a.m. Suggest removal

enough says...

We need to stop this foolishness. The first question we should ask is is the statement true, I think we can all agree it is. It would be one thing if it was not true. We will never be better if we do not get our heads out of the sand, come to grips with the reality (not the la la land, false economy that we have been told for years) and fix what needs to be fixed in this country.