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expatkz says...

wethepeople, Its not rumor, its not fiction, its truth . I see it myself almost everyday. You see it as well and likely perpetrate it. Anyone with eyes and ears, including your precious tourists, sees it every day on the streets, in the cabs, in the markets, and over the hill. And yes, when people are living is poverty or under constant suffering in their born countries, they do cross borders to get a better quality of life. In every country and all throughout time this has been the case for every family in the world... Only China with its Great Wall was effective in keeping out the influx of migrants.
I never said Bahamaland needed to keep the illegals, what I have always said is don't be inhumane, cruel, immoral, and criminal in your methods to deal with them. Where there is smoke, their is fire. Whilst it may not be as bad as some will say, it certainly is worse than Freddie is testifying to the world. They are here, so its not like you can just round them up wholesale and send them back. How is it the tiny and small budgeted Dom Rep has an effective enough govt and immigration department which doesn't create such a immigration mess?? Face it, your Govt and your Immigration Dept are ineffective and cruel and the world has noticed.

expatkz says...

Blah blah blah. The crimes have already been committed. The emotional scars and hatred already sown. The innocent kids have already spent sleepless nights in a jail house. The meager shacks with priceless sentimental belonging's have already been burnt to the ground. The illegal roundups based on skin color, facial features and dialect have already been conducted. What's good for the goose is good for the gander... Meaning, round up your Haitian, Jamaican sweethearts as well as the men and children. Also, does it really take the old PM to instruct his smooth but wutless minister to have some departmental control and wisdom by treating children as common criminals? The past few months are a clear case of illegal, immoral, and disrespectful treatment of fellow human beings. Human beings doing what all human beings do..... Trying to better their terrible quality of life. If the Bahamian example were applied to the rest of the world, what would we have? Should it be ok if the US set up road blocks and raids and jailed then burnt the homes of every Mexican looking person they thought might not have proper documentation? Would it be ok if the British rounded up every Indian person they saw? Would it be ok if the US rounded up every Bahamian person they saw? My point is, stop blowing smoke up the worlds arse Freddie, these committees are not mis informed of the truths. They likely have much better and clearer information than your kronies and thugs within immigration are telling you.... If anything you ate the one with wool over your eyes. The answer is simple. Treat others as you would have them treat you if the roles were reversed.

expatkz says...

They knew full well what they were doing. These are very smart people. They simply fell prey to greed as most of the party in power leaders do once they are handed a cushy lifestyle for the first time in their lives...or maybe they feel entitled to it as they look across the ballroom and see noname politicians suddenly swimming in riches. People of the Bahamas, if you want change then only and always select people of real moral fiber. Everyone says they have the moral fiber, but only a few can resist temptation and greed when it comes there way. Find yourselves a leader that has lived his or her whole life leading by example and doing good deeds rather than filling the suit and looking the part. Put better character people in power. Its clear that BOB was ran by crooks. Why have they not been brought up on charges already? Where is the justice in your justice system. The Bahamas will not be taken seriously as a first rate country until it disciplines its own. It must begin at the top. There is no reason the AG doesn't swoop in and arrest the BOB criminals. Once again stop pretending you are a first class country Bahamaland. You are just a Banana republic with lipstick. You would be better off eliminating your government structure altogether and letting mother England run it for a while. Freedom does not come without a price. The price is responsibility to run things morally, ethically, responsibly, and fairly to all . You can't do these things with your current government . Also, most regulatory agencies (central bank, police, immigration, roads, justice) are incapable or just plain in competent to run it now. Were are the young people of courage and conviction? It is time to rise together. You don't have to allow the inmates to run the asylum. Do something. Get organized. If not, imagine the Bahamas 10 years from now.... More of the same...more crime, more corruption, more immorality, more idiocy, more sellouts to china, more poverty, more joblessness, more pollution in the bays. It will come to pass.... The youth must rise.

On BOB in $18.6m SPV ‘solution’ two years ago

Posted 8 December 2014, 11:40 a.m. Suggest removal

expatkz says...

Well said. If only more Bahamians would think as you, then the world would place the Bahamas as the first class country you claim to be. Rather its viewed as a party, pirate and tax evading haven mostly because of the party, and pirating behavior of the majority of Bahamians.... Except on Sundays lol

expatkz says...

Of course,what else is new.... Another blunder from a governmental agency entrusted to ensure the well being of all human beings (not only the Bahamians). Hey fast taking Freddie, here's a idea, the next time you issue marching orders to your round up thugs , maybe you better make sure you have a common decency holding area and supplies for the children you immorally sieze like property.

expatkz says...

Furthermore, perhaps the Americans should have stayed out of WWI and WWII as well...., and out countless other countries where racial profiling, let later genocide was occuring. They weren't our countries.... But someone with a concious and moral backbone had to intervene. You see it doesn't matter whose country it is when human rights are being violated. The Bahamas could easily need such help given the morons that the people keep electing to run the country.

On 'Human rights are being denied'

Posted 3 December 2014, 11:22 a.m. Suggest removal

expatkz says...

As I am a human being I have the moral right to speak up against human right violations no matter when I am at the moment in life. Thus is not a Bahamian issue, it is is a human rights issue. Until you understand the difference, the Bahamas will never progress.

On 'Human rights are being denied'

Posted 3 December 2014, 11:14 a.m. Suggest removal

expatkz says...

right on grassroot. you said it much more eloquently and politely than i care to. I prefer to put it in laymans terms..... the current immigration round em up leaving the kids, stop everyone at checkpoints, and burn the shacks to the ground is absolutely unconstitutional and down right gestapo tactics. Fred the buttery speaking but misguided nationalist is leading a pack of SS that are targeting and treating unfairly in today's modern world. Immigrants must be treated with fairness and dignity. Human rights groups and Amnesty Intl doesn't just get involved for nothing.... where there is smoke there is fire.....Bahamians, please practice what you preach on Sundays.

On 'Human rights are being denied'

Posted 2 December 2014, 7:39 p.m. Suggest removal

expatkz says...

Straight talk...... Miller does fight the advances of the union. Yes, the union does have much more than most Bahamians. But so what if they do... They are working class Bahamians and they spend there money earned right here in Bahamaland. The thing about unions is they do cost more, but if your did not have them then the corporate pigs and pocket lining officials would take all the money and the local economy would see little to none of it. And whats wrong with some Bahamians earned a great salary?
Now what do we have in Mr. Miller. Well, he is BIG in a few ways..... Big Mouth, Big Ego, Big Kahunays, Big Foot-in Mouth disease, Big on Keep that Woman in her place or beat her bcuz "she "asked for it" ..... The facts are Mr. Millers dept causes all Bahamians suffering. He has had chances to make amends with the union and also to plan out and sway PLP brass and obtain the machinery and funding he needs to ensure the dept is better than when he assumed it. But he has not done this..... rather doesn't it seem way worse. He has talked the talked, but cannot walk the walk. Change is in the air Bahamaland..... carpe per diem!

expatkz says...

I have tons more. And those who know me know its no secret that the reason i am so wound up is that i fell in love with the Bahamas and its peoples.... all of them..... whether Bahamian, Jamaican, Haitian, British, Canadian, all of them. All the more reason it is upsetting me as it is such a fine opportunity to be a amazing place to live, but now it is such a mess... its has its amazing moments, but they are always always drown out by crime, govt non sense, and foot in mouth disease. I know it cannot be easy to manage a country. But for crying out loud, is it so hard to do the right thing Mon-Fri at least. Can govt actually work hard same as private working Bahamians. Can dept managers have the wisdom, and ability to plan ahead, have conviction, stay withing budget, and run effective depts? (BEC, Roads, Police). Is it too much to ask that all people are treated with dignity (ie, don't round up foreign born without specific individual justification, don't burn there meager shacks, etc) . Is it too much to ask that there is no more power outages ? Can you just sacrifice that non effective blow hard woman beater Miller to make a point ? To show that you are willing to press ahead for positive change.? No is the answer to all these if you want to consider yourself a first class country. Work effectively M-F, don't just grandstand and crow like a rooster on radio, TV, etc,..... do real effective govt.... (please stop blowing smoke up our arse and self inflating your well educated, but misguided egos). Then party by all means on Fri night and all Saturday....sin away, and Sun get forgiven like the rest of the civilized world.