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g9822033 says...

1. Implement a long term (20 years) strategy to educate our people.
2. Discourage teen pregnancies, too many young girls getting pregnant thinking that the 'man' is going to stick around. Make abortion easily accessible and pay - through NIB - adult females that do not have children up to the age of 30.
3. Create a national lottery and do away with the numbers houses.
4. Legalise soft drugs (specifically marijuana) and turn it into an industry such as it is in the Netherlands.
5. Legalise prostitution and confine to certain location such as it is in Nevada.

Points 3, 4 & 5 will increase government revenues and decrease law enforcement costs.

g9822033 says...

Restructure the government so that it operates like a world class business that provides only essential services to it's citizens (education, healthcare, social security, law and order). Eliminate customs duty, increase VAT, increase NI contributions (can be done without hurting lower paid such as employer side increase or remove caps), reduce stamp tax on properties to a flat 1%, deregulate the real estate market (realtor fees will drop to 1-2%), lower bank prime rate. Eliminate government services that can be performed in the private sector with regulatory oversight or agency model (e.g. road traffic licensing, air traffic control, Bahamasair - why can't they just franchise the brand??).

It's going to be busy day of bloodletting but when the dust settles, my Bahamas is going to be a prosperous and enviable nation.

g9822033 says...

I am a political atheist but there is no sense blaming the politicians - it's easy to point the finger.

Fact is that the thugs pulled the trigger, not the politicians. The thugs are to blame.

That said, until this country has a leadership with a 20 year plan to improve the standard of education things will not change.

On School in tears for slain teacher

Posted 25 November 2015, 8:18 p.m. Suggest removal

g9822033 says...

I'm a British Bahamian resident and don't give a monkey's ... about the monarchy. They are descendants of robbers and murderers that contribute far less to the world than people think.

g9822033 says...

I would support a 15-20% VAT across the Board on everything in lieu of customs duty. The government will soon have enough data to figure out where the sweet spot is for a VAT rate to compensate for the elimination of duty.

On Bahamas has ‘best VAT in the world’

Posted 1 September 2015, 4:32 p.m. Suggest removal