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g9822033 says...

5 pixel cameras ..... That's less than 'Pong'

On Police crack down after fatal crashes

Posted 17 April 2019, 4:24 p.m. Suggest removal

g9822033 says...

We all hate taxes - whatever it's called. At the end of the day government collects revenues to cover its costs. Corruption aside, we can't expect to not pay for services rendered. The expectation is that the more we pay, the more/better services we receive. We can't have it all ways.

Take a look at this table of tax as % of GDP - Bahamas is way down the list at 18.7% (Canada 31.7%, uk 34.4%, us 26%, eu 35.7%).

If people think 2% is too much, consider the cost of private healthcare.

g9822033 says...

The muppet numbers guys weren't complaining when they were operating illegally but now they object to the double standards. Shame!

I don't know why the government doesn't shut it all down and have a national lottery, at least the proceeds can be used for healthcare and education.

g9822033 says...

Noting wrong with reusable bags. Works well in other parts of the world.

Removing bags is a positive step - may not be the biggest but its a start!

We the people have no idea what a collision course we're on.

Watch Professor Stephen Emmott in a documentary called '10 Billion' - 7 minutes from the end you'll have his honest opinion in one sentence. And it is quite sobering.

On Plastic bag ban takes first step

Posted 5 April 2018, 3:12 p.m. Suggest removal

g9822033 says...

national lottery. It's very obvious why the decision makers of this country ignored the results of the referendum about gambling. All they have done is decriminalize the web shops for the criminals. I say it's time the numbers boys were shut down once and for all and we install a national lottery. Gambling won't go away and one can argue about the morality but how many Bahamians buy lottery tickets when they are in the US? The revenue that's currently buying yachts, McMansions and women for the numbers boys could be put to good use via a National Lottery. Let's ease the burden on the public purse and get rid of these parasites at the same time.

g9822033 says...

There is a difference between journalism and PR :)

g9822033 says...

I am tired of hearing about these numbers guys being worshiped like heroes because they pay a whole 1% tax it's an absolute outrage. I suspect if they just left it illegal and charged some fines would probably end up with as much revenue at the treasury from the numbers guys. They are worse than the pastors that give away free cars just as a PR stunt to raise them for more money. It's absolutely criminal what this government has done by legalizing the numbers and not providing a national lottery it's hypocritical They should be lined up and dealt with accordingly. The numbers guys have bought the support of the people who seem to not understand that everything's self serving. We have extenuating circumstances they could repeal the legalization and use emergency measures to implement a national lottery. The only people that would suffer are the numbers guys but ain't that about time.

g9822033 says...

Anyone in need of a brand new mattress call 376-1256 we have inventory.

On Power loss leaves bed maker dozing

Posted 19 October 2016, 7:49 p.m. Suggest removal

g9822033 says...

This government has made so many bad decisions that defy common sense unless the interests of the decision makers are being put before those of the people.<br><br>

We need to rebuild our infrastructure but the people are already suffering from a weak economy, low wage inflation, increased cost of living (VAT) and now a hurricane. To layer another tax of any type will break a lot of people. <br><br>

Instead of adding a tax, maybe the government should consider repealing any tax breaks it has given.

On Govt considers a hurricane tax

Posted 18 October 2016, 1:05 p.m. Suggest removal