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gbgal says...

PM and his government don't care how it will function, they only want it quickly on the books as a teaser for the masses to give them their votes! They are using all of us to pay for the their next election (thinking that they will win!). There are more of the masses than the middle classes, aren't there? They believe everything they hear without question. How can we change the situation?

gbgal says...

We are paying for it, and we don't know anything about it! What fools we mortals be.

gbgal says...

Condolences to the family and friends. Rejoice in the memories of this brave and loving lady!

gbgal says...

Where/when was this information presented? First time I am hearing about it! Surely, more time should be given for discussion anyway.

gbgal says...

Forgive me if I don't have understanding, but an employee is paid every week or month for his/her service. He is not entitled to any more except where organizations offer additional benefits. National Insurance is one of those benefits shared by employer and government so it is acceptable. It is the employee's choice if he wishes to offer his service to any company. He can leave when he likes. There is no free lunch, people! We have to learn to plan our future and save for what we think we deserve. There are ways to get there but we are responsible, not government. I, for one, am becoming concerned about government interfering with our personal business. Not their job. Let them ensure our overall safety, environment, laws etc are in place and enforced. We are a democracy not a socialist country.

On ‘A stake through the heart’ of commerce

Posted 27 November 2015, 3:05 p.m. Suggest removal

gbgal says...

Finally, a matter for sensible discussion and actions is opened! Thank you, Dr Beneby. Now, how do we solve the problems? We need answers and action-planning before we get mired in money pit wastage.

On Gov’t official: $100m health spend wasted

Posted 24 November 2015, 11:28 a.m. Suggest removal

gbgal says...

Big countries like Great Britain have agencies like National Health to decide who warrants specialized treatment. If you are elderly, they won't waste time and efforts on you, but they will provide palliative treatments until death. There is no emotional response just practical decision-making.

On PM rejects claim of NHI ‘death panels’

Posted 18 November 2015, 11:32 a.m. Suggest removal

gbgal says...

Our country failed this poor lady! After all those fact-finding visits to the islands, no one cared to protect her home from the elements or provide assistance? So sad. How many other poor people are waiting for help but being ignored? Come on NEMA and Social Services!

On 93-year-old Acklins resident dies

Posted 7 November 2015, 11:17 a.m. Suggest removal

gbgal says...

Congratulations! Well deserved.

On Tribune publisher to be honoured

Posted 5 November 2015, noon Suggest removal

gbgal says...

Realfreethinker, we humbly beg for translation of your comment above!

On Baha Mar offered funds by Izmirlian

Posted 31 October 2015, 11:40 a.m. Suggest removal