Comment history

geostorm says...

The Speaker is talking nonsense. The Bahamas should want nothing to do with China. They do not follow the rule of law and have no regard for human life or the environment. They should have never been allowed to have a presence in the country in the first place.

No, no, no to Chinese influence. Take your dirty money back to Beijing!

geostorm says...

@Wayne Munroe, its you and lawyers like you that are to blame for those Haitian deaths. You all try to counter every legal effort the government puts forward and tie up cases in court, leaving everything in legal limbo.

Go have several seats!! Mandatory evacuation it is!! I bet if you ask those storm victims if they had to do it again would they leave if told to evacuate, their answers would be a resounding YES!! In fact those people are so traumatized I bet when they hear a storm is coming, they will run to the hills. No one will have to tell them.

geostorm says...

@Fred Smith is definitely not playing with a full deck. Why is anyone listening to him anyway? He should be ashamed to show his face. He played a role in the destruction of all those Haitian lives. The government tried to get those places regularized, but he fought it, resulting in the matter being tied up before the courts. Well now we have thousands of displaced people, whom the Bahamian people seem to have little love and tolerance for. What a mess he has created.

My advice to my fellow Bahamians is to put a little love in your hearts, those who are legal with the proper paperwork must be treated respectfully. Those who are illegal, should also be treated with respect but, shipped back to Haiti, no questions asked.

geostorm says...

Thank you for your service. I am sure the victims appreciated it

On Bahamian spirit shines through despite horror

Posted 19 September 2019, 8:42 p.m. Suggest removal

geostorm says...

**He said: “Let us work harder on being positive. I admit that everything is not perfect and that there is always room for improvements. However, we need to create a national atmosphere that is more positive and encouraging. Interpreting every occurrence in a negative or conspiratorial light does not ease burdens.**

Excellent advice Bishop, obviously you did't say it loud enough because there are still **knuckleheads** who still didn't get it!

On Blame towards PM after Dorian 'not helpful'

Posted 19 September 2019, 1:59 p.m. Suggest removal

geostorm says...

Brave Davis and crew needs to go take a seat. When it comes to organizing hurricane relief, the last ones to speak should be him. What about the mess they created after the last hurricane? There was absolutely no accountability. He lacks credibility and needs to crawl in a hole.

geostorm says...

they better not be @sickened!

On Tent cities for GB and Abaco

Posted 17 September 2019, 2:41 p.m. Suggest removal

geostorm says...

Six months, there needs to be a compete ban! There should be no rebuilding in those areas. We are where we are because of lack of will. No illegal should be allowed to build in those areas and if there is any rebuilding it better be to code.

They just need to put a large fence up around those areas after they are cleaned up. Get the land owner involved. He is the reason for all of this mess anyway. Time for him to sell parcels of land and do it the legal way.

geostorm says...

So true @still waters. After the dust settles, the government has to address those who find themselves illegally on our shores. There is only so much that we can handle. Supporting illegals is not one of them. I do believe, however, that we are obligated from a humanitarian stand point to at least give them the initial help that they need after such a devastating tragedy.

On Please help us: Evacuees fear for future

Posted 16 September 2019, 1:53 p.m. Suggest removal

geostorm says...

So true!

On EDITORIAL: A ship can only have one captain

Posted 14 September 2019, 11:42 p.m. Suggest removal