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gumbolimbo says...

They paved Paradise and put in a water park!!

gumbolimbo says...

Please give attribution to your quoted paragraph.

gumbolimbo says...

Look who's calling the kettle black. All Bahamians do is denigrate the United States and Americans - unless of course the Bahamian is need of a hand out. It has been my experience that Bahamians do not like foreigners and Americans in particular.

DeSantis' comments where rhetorical and illustrative, not insulting or maligning of The Bahamas or its people.

On Henfield says DeSantis remarks ‘distasteful’

Posted 27 November 2023, 11:31 a.m. Suggest removal

gumbolimbo says...

Mr. Miller, please stop your whinging and moaning. It appears you've bought into your own myth and are drinking your own kool-aid of self importance. Take a trip to Abaco and you'll see some real hardship that lingers from the aftermath of Hurricane Dorian. Many Abaconians still live in cars, domes or with family and friends because they lost everything! Those who do have remnants of a home have been working to rebuild them for almost 3 years. Abaconians deal with dirt floors, boarded windows and leaking roofs as well as lack of water and electricity in many areas. All of this coupled with oppressive heat, rising costs of fuel and building materials as well as food scarcity certainly creates a daunting and overwhelming way of life for the people of Abaco.

On Olympian Miller: Still much to do

Posted 12 August 2022, 10:26 a.m. Suggest removal

gumbolimbo says...

I'm quite happy for the tourists and boaters to go elsewhere. It's so important to keep our beautiful turquoise waters and beaches clean and pristine. Why endanger our aquatic life and environment for the passing whimsy of a few people who always have to be "doing something"? A vacation to our beautiful islands is for the sheer pleasure of relaxation and appreciation of nature.

gumbolimbo says...

Well, I guess everyone has already left for Qatar and Saudi Arabia. Is this Government listening? The tourists and private pilots no longer want to come here. It's becoming too tedious with last minute changes and new hoops to jump through at the whim of this "New Day" government. The cost of everything on these Islands are exorbitant and Bahamians really don't want tourists and foreigners here anyway...

gumbolimbo says...

Whenever there is a shortage of money in the government of the Bahamas, the first thing the government says is, " I know the answer to the problem, let's increase taxes on the wealthy property owners for whatever we can get and that will solve all our problems."

All elected officials and their counterparts need to actually sit down, crunch the numbers, and come up with a long term solution. If you keep taxing the very group of people that continue to invest and put monies into the economy, they will soon disappear and you will still have the same problem(s).

gumbolimbo says...

Astounding! And yet there isn't any money to complete the Community Center/Hurricane Shelter in Abaco which was slated to be finished and operational by May 2021. This "New Day" administration needs to get to work and someone needs to remind PM Davis where his office is located. He seems to have forgotten.

On $636,000 budget for Royal visit

Posted 19 May 2022, 11:16 a.m. Suggest removal

gumbolimbo says...

Mr. Sands, any word about the three deceased American tourists at Sandals in Exuma?
Is the public ever going to get a follow-up or is that already swept under the rug?

gumbolimbo says...

I do agree that navigating the requirements to enter The Bahamas is easy. I have had my Travel Health Visa since 2020 and travel internationally frequently. You don't have to wait until your travel date to get the Travel Health Visa. You can apply in advance and fill in all your personal data and then 'before your travel date, get tested and upload it to your account and you're done.