Comment history

gumbolimbo says...

The female American Tourist that passed away was a Travel Agent specializing in Sandals vacations. So yes, many people still use travel agents to arrange everything for their vacations.

gumbolimbo says...

Must you always look backwards and finger point? How about waiting until this "New Day" deal is finalized before crowing or you might have to eat crow. Just sayin'...

gumbolimbo says...

Tourism, Tourism, Tourism....that seems to be the rally cry of this administration. Mr. Cooper, it has been less than a week since 3 American tourists were found dead at Sandals in Exuma.
The autopsies and cause of deaths have yet to be established. But, you're main concern is to get those inventory of rooms, bookings and flights to the Bahamas!! Don't let there be any cancellations, etc. You might need to step away from the microphone for a while and reassess the situation.

The deaths of these American tourists are being watched on an international stage and it would behoove the Government to be very transparent if there is to be a future in tourism.

gumbolimbo says...

I believe PM Davis was at Middle Tennessee State University over the weekend delivering the commencement address to the graduating class and receiving an Honorary Degree at the same time.

gumbolimbo says...

Bahamian people don’t need outrage, they need opportunity. They don’t need slogans painted on the streets, they need to be able to walk down that street to the grocery store without fear of stray bullets. They need the people who operate that grocery store to see their community as safe enough and profitable enough to keep that store open. They need schools that teach the language skills their children need to prosper in the business world. Their children need the math and science skills the rest of us take for granted. They need for their best and brightest to be recognized and encouraged to reach their potential, not bullied into hiding it. They need the pride and dignity that comes from earning their own way, not more welfare. They need to see that owning a home and all that it affords is within their reach. An independent Bahamian does not need handouts and promises from the Government that keep them trapped in rotting, crime infested cities. This government needs to prove that this really is a "New Day" administration. Stop meeting and start doing!

gumbolimbo says...

Abaco is waiting on the promised Hurricane Shelter/Community Center that was supposed to be completed last year. And of course, there are still an abundance of Abaconians without housing, electricity and running water post-Dorian. But, once again, that doesn't seem essential to the "New Day" administration. And lest we forget, our Airport Control Tower is not operational which should be #1 priority since The Bahamas is all about the almighty tourism dollar.

gumbolimbo says...

The Health Travel Visa is super simple. You do not have to wait until you're ready to travel, rather go online right now, create a user name and password, fill in all your particulars,(i.e. name address, etc., upload your passport, vaccine card) pay a one time $40.00 fee and that's it. This application can be completed as an individual or for a family. When you are ready to book your flight, just log in, fill out the flight information and 3 days prior to travel upload your Rapid Antigen test. The Health Travel Visa is generally approved in a few hours (if not sooner) via email and of course, you can always log in to your account for verification of approval.

I established my Health Travel Visa in May 2020 and have used it repeatedly over the past few years as well as this year. It's a once and done approach to allow ease of access to International Travel to The Bahamas.

On Changing rules on entry to nation

Posted 4 February 2022, 9:59 a.m. Suggest removal

gumbolimbo says...

@realitycheck242: Are you serious? Why does the hue of a Bahamian's skin tone matter? Any individual, as long as they have the required qualifications and credentials to work in their chosen professional field, should not be restricted by the color or their skin. It appears YOU need a reality check.

On Realtor concerns over Grand Lucayan’s sale

Posted 3 February 2022, 2:13 p.m. Suggest removal

gumbolimbo says...

Here's a thought, why don't you put all your energy into getting the Hurricane Shelter/Community Center in Abaco built? The FNM and then Prime Minister Minnis promised it would be finished by May 2021. Well it's February 2022 ....if you focused on what matters to the citizens you wouldn't have time to flap your lips and finger point. get a move on!!!

gumbolimbo says...

Pit Bulls take the #1 spot on The Department of Agriculture's banned and prohibited list of imported dogs to The Bahamas. I wonder how so many Pit Bulls came to be in The Bahamas?

The Department of Agriculture requires an exhaustive amount of paperwork each time I leave the Island and travel with my pet. This includes Health Certificates, current records of immunizations and microchip information.The latest requirement by our new administration is a pet photo must be provided to be kept on file with the Agriculture Deparatment. All these requirements must be met along with a fee before a Permit is issued.

Additionally, the Dept. of Agriculture requires another Health Certificate indicating that my pet was seen by a Vet 24 hours prior to returning to the Island and another check up within 48 hours upon arrival by a Bahamian vet.

While this is time consuming and costly, it is done in order to ensure that banned and prohibited pets do not gain entry as well as knowing the animal being brought to The Bahamas is healthy, free of disease and not a danger to others.

Pet owners, please do your part and keep your animals healthy and secure them in an enclosed area so they do no harm!