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happyfly says...

They should come up with some kind of fake pandemic that scares everyone into staying locked up in their homes for months on end, stops them from moving around freely and also make up all other kinds of other reasons to stop them from being able to earn a living so they cant actually afford to do anything that creates CO2. Then after that, you could convince and force them all to take a vaccine that .....................

happyfly says...

So long as some big pharma-educated doctor on a mass media power trip gets to make rules for the business sector - this country's economy will be f......d. We just had a doctor shut the economy down for a year and a half and borrow an obscene bunch of money from international loan sharks to offset the fact that he ruined the economy of 350,000 people to try and save 0.017% of the population (most of which were over 70 with 2 or more comorbidities) Now the PLP is telling the next doctor he has complete control over the business community !? Good luck if somebody sneezes. Might as well close down your business right now

On New rules for a ‘new reality’

Posted 2 November 2021, 3:35 p.m. Suggest removal

happyfly says...

Hey fella - Human beings have been around quite a bit longer than you and your overinflated opinion of modern science. About 300,000 years longer. The reason you haven't died of a common cold is that someone up the family tree developed natural immunity and passed it on to you. And the inconveniences that we have all been forced to suffer over the past 18 months has actually woken a whole lot of people up to the fact that your heroes are the very ones who created this virus, patented it, and are making an absolute $$$ killing out of testing us and treating us. If you cant see the truth your PHD is worth nothing.

On New rules for a ‘new reality’

Posted 2 November 2021, 3:22 p.m. Suggest removal

happyfly says...

And good luck in the family islands when they have to close every restaurant on the island for non-compliance. What are they going to do next, start locking Florida tourists up for not wearing a mask and shooting rubber bullets at innocent people for complaining - that is the new normal in Australia

On New rules for a ‘new reality’

Posted 2 November 2021, 10:33 a.m. Suggest removal

happyfly says...

WTF.....!!! Do away with emergency powers but give the incompetent health authority a permanent mandate to make up new rules every day instead. In the meantime, SE Florida is wide open and cases are plummeting and more and more hard data coming out that the vaccines do nothing to stop the spread of any of these variants he talks about. I really thought the PLP would have the guts to move away from the communist paho/who - big pharma vaccine holocaust. At least I thought they had the brains to recognize that the silent majority voted the FNM out because of all of this Nazi long till the next elections ?? If the tourist economy isn't in ruins and we are all enslaved by the New World Order by then

On New rules for a ‘new reality’

Posted 2 November 2021, 10:31 a.m. Suggest removal

happyfly says...

paho, who, fda, cdc..................all bought and paid for by big pharma.

Dr Jab has failed to mention that all of the drug companies are also currently being sued for intentionally misleading the same pseudo-public health authorities for causing grievous harm to innocent people who trusted them. He has also failed to mention that the covid deaths for children between the ages of 5 and 11 are zero which means the risk of a young boy dying from myocarditis from the vaccine is higher than the risk of covid.

These one-sided lies to support a 'noble' cause - that just happens to be enriching the stakeholders behind this covid cult - is nothing short of evil

happyfly says...

I'm just happy to see one of our new PLP leaders in a press photo without their mask pulled up halfway over their eyeballs. We need lions in charge....not timid sheep! We need Generals that arent afraid of a 99.97% survival rate. Florida's governor decided that he had enough of this Sleepy Joe, crooked FDA/WHO/big pharma bull.... and that was all it took. You can go to Florida now and everything is back to normal. The (planned-panic) pandemic is gone. People not living in fear. Not getting harassed by the police for taking a walk. People taking responsibility for their own personal health and wearing a mask if they chose to.......and an economy that is vibrant and booming

happyfly says...

Well said Mr Rolle. Too many Bahamians incorrectly believe that their descendants were indigenous to these islands........... but with regard to changing history........alas.....historical facts seem to be subject to mouse click these days

On Columbus and The Bahamas

Posted 21 October 2021, 10:39 a.m. Suggest removal

happyfly says...

The government does care about farming but the problem is that most Bahamians believe it is still a viable option - for some family islander with nothing else to do, to go in the field and mess around growing some corn. The reality is that competitive and sustainable farming these days is specialized, targetted, high-tech, capital intensive, government-subsidized, supply chain driven, etc, etc......and it's risky and frickin hard work. But we must figure it out because it does not make any sense at all to be 95% dependent on imported food. Nada !

On Farmers ‘frustrated’ by rampant red tape

Posted 20 October 2021, 8:32 a.m. Suggest removal

happyfly says...

this virus went around the world in two weeks. it crossed the equator and ignored flu seasons and it has moved through populations regardless of whatever measures were in place. Australia is an example of where they have locked the people down until they just can't take it anymore and bingo, the virus is straight back in there doing its thing. In the meantime, the reality is that we have all most likely been exposed to the virus already. We have all been to a social function on the weekend where somebody's family had it last week and we had a couple of drinks and took our mask off and had a good time. So for someone who had it already and is vaccinated and is perfectly healthy - to wake up on Monday morning and pretend that some nasty piece of cloth hanging off their nose is going to protect who ??!!

On ‘Don’t let up in enforcing rules’

Posted 20 October 2021, 8:11 a.m. Suggest removal