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henny says...

If the shoe fits wear it! I feel safer walking in the US than in Nassau.

henny says...

You shouldn't have backed down Mr. Miller. No wonder they make threats. Now Mr. Green's demands have been met. It gives him incentive to do it again!!

On BEC bonuses will be paid

Posted 13 December 2013, 1:29 p.m. Suggest removal

henny says...

On most occasions I would agree with Dr. Minnis, but this time I disagree. What would the PM do but get off the long plane ride home and say "I am too tired to answer any questions" He was in South Africa. Planes don't run every 5 minutes, It wasn't like he was in Miami!! Mr. Davis apparently had no problem with him not being here and did what he was scheduled to do.

henny says...

Agree with the above but there aren't a lot of sidewalks for people to walk on. We don't know the circumstances as to what happened and no one has the right to hit and run... pedestrians need to be careful when in the street and especially when they have children with them. Whomever hit these people needs to turn him/herself in. Do the right thing.

henny says...

Although I agree with Mr. Miller, all contracts have to be negotiated and accepted by both parties before being changed. The fact it is 2 weeks before Christmas, the subject of bonuses should have been talked about sometime ago not now as well as the "double dipping" issue. As for Mr. Green he makes himself look real stupid for making comments regarding employees will rob if they don't get their bonus. Bonuses are not a guaranty and should only be given if merit warrants. So Mr. Miller keep doing what you do. Seems like you are the only one with the brains trying to keep BEC running without going under.

On Christmas bonus for BEC staff deferred

Posted 11 December 2013, 2:45 p.m. Suggest removal

henny says...

Only one piece of legal documentation should be sufficient except drivers license. Why are you overreacting and being sarcastic? It is time they had these immigration checks and should be done often. Too many illegals on the island. If you are legal and can prove your status you should have nothing to worry about.

On Motorists stopped by Immigration road blocks

Posted 11 December 2013, 2:16 p.m. Suggest removal

henny says...

Don't use that cop out and blame the crime rate and other issues on African American culture. No one forced Bahamians to do anything. Everyone knows Bahamians and other islands like to "copy cat". It's those elected politicians who need to do what's right, be more aggressive and work to get Bahamian culture back to where it should be.

On BRAN: Declare war on crime

Posted 10 December 2013, 5:55 p.m. Suggest removal

henny says...

Why in the world would Minister of Tourism, Obie Wilchcombe be shocked to learn that the US had issued a travel advisory for Grand Bahama?? It is really sad to think you have to be afraid to travel to Nassau and Freeport having to think you may be subjected to being robbed by some idiots wielding guns, knives or cutlass .

On Tourists robbed at knifepoint in resort

Posted 10 December 2013, 5:22 p.m. Suggest removal

henny says...

Ms Mitchell didn't see a problem with the illegal homes. Would she have seen a problem if they had caught on fire causing loss of life??

henny says...

In the US it is against the law if you are collecting disability and working. If you do so you can be fined or go to jail. You must report any wages earned to the disability office. They can determine if you are eligible to continue receiving disability benefits. They can also determine if your disability affords you the right to work in a suitable position according to the type of disability.


Posted 7 December 2013, 12:52 a.m. Suggest removal