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henny says...

Knowing the incidence of breast cancer in the Bahamas you should have invested in the 3-D mammogram machine years back. No wonder people want to come to the US for testing. Hopefully, Bahamians will take advantage and get their annual checkups. It is never too late so be aware.

henny says...

I can't believe he didn't know marijuana was illegal in the Bahamas. Even if he brought drugs into the country from the US he knew it was illegal to do so.

On Comedian: I didn't know marijuana was illegal

Posted 10 October 2013, 10:28 p.m. Suggest removal

henny says...

Rory....I thought the same thing.

henny says...

Agree with the above statements. If conspiracy to the crime was charged the conspirators should be held for trial also.

henny says...

It's about time something is being done. Don't stop there. Get rid of ALL derelict cars, garbage, abandoned buildings etc in Nassau. Start building something to be proud of in those areas. Paint where needed. Owners also need to take better care of their property. Nassau looks too dirty and too much like the ghetto slums in numerous areas. The tourist area looks like heaven compared to other areas.

On Demolition at two shanty towns underway

Posted 9 October 2013, 3:33 p.m. Suggest removal

henny says...

The amount paid for use of electricity is way too high to begin with. I don't see how people can afford to pay if they have low paying jobs or retirees receive a minimal monthly pension. 10% is not much when your bill for the summer months runs $200 or more.

On 10% off electric bills this month

Posted 9 October 2013, 3:19 p.m. Suggest removal

henny says...

What happened to freedom of speech. Everyone has a right to his/her own opinion. Is it that the Bahamas does not have this right???

henny says...

She needs to be deported back to Jamaica after serving her time in jail!!

I'm wondering why when I read articles here the reporters most often find the need to repeat 3 times what is stated. Once or twice is good. Third time the repetition leads me to believe the reporters/editors do not know how to report a story.

On Human trafficking suspect denied bail

Posted 8 October 2013, 2:23 p.m. Suggest removal

henny says...

Only in the Bahamas. I guess no court cases can be heard. Suppose they don't return for another month or so. No wonder you are so far behind......also behind the times in putting into place an alternative solution.

henny says...

This is crazy. Seems to me prosecutors aren't doing their job.

On Jury directed to find wife not guilty

Posted 4 October 2013, 8:29 p.m. Suggest removal