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henny says...

placing rodney in handcuffs was so unnecessary. it even looks as though the police is ready to knock him to the ground if he makes a move. rodney is no criminal. go out and find the murderers, robbers, rapist and other criminal offenders being a menace to society. get them off the street instead of making a big issue over an internet issue.

On Support for activist grows on internet

Posted 8 April 2013, 12:41 p.m. Suggest removal

henny says...

What a shame to arrest Rodney, handcuff him and charge him with a crime. Murderers, robbers, rapist and other criminals are in the street every day known to police and druglords are glorified and cheered on. Web shops continue illegally. No wonder Bahamas is 3rd world. Where's your mentality Bahamas?? Peace be with you Rodney.

On UPDATE: Moncur speaks to the media

Posted 6 April 2013, 12:34 a.m. Suggest removal

henny says...

Just one of the main reasons for moving back to US. They promiseeverything is in tip top shape no more outtages and then the next day you are cooking, washing clothes or watching your favorite tv show and out it goes again. Get behind one month and they disconnect your supply with no warning. I don't see how people can even afford to pay their bill with it costing so much.

On Island-wide power outage

Posted 25 March 2013, 10:24 p.m. Suggest removal

henny says...

I don't believe a police officer should beat a prisoner. I think they should be dealt with and dismissed from the force. I do believe some of those in custody are well deserving to be beat and most likely antognized the officer. There are too many men crying "beaten by cops". There are 2 sides to the story. As for Tyrone Saunders having a heart attack, it could very well be true. You read about young guys/girls who seemed otherwise healthy collapsing and dying from heart failure. I can understand his mother's feelings but it does happen. When you choose to live in the crime world you have to be prepared for most anything. I see a few young teenage neighborhood boys who are into petty crime and if they don't turn their life around now it may just be too late for them one day. Police know who they are just haven't caught them redhanded as yet. I praise commissioner Greenslade for the job he is doing. It is not an easy one.

On 'Police brutality will be punished'

Posted 18 June 2012, 6:05 p.m. Suggest removal

henny says...

So what else is new???? I guess no reason given for the ongoing island wide inconvenience.

On Power outage hits homes, businesses

Posted 18 June 2012, 5:36 p.m. Suggest removal

henny says...

Since you have the picture of the plate on the blue car can't it be blown up to tell whom it belongs too and then get info on the driver of the white car that was towing it??

henny says...

Your headline states electrocution caused island-wide outage. My first thought would be someone died. Further down into the article it is stated "The Island-wide power outage was caused when two men working near power lines were executed according to a statement released by BEC. Then it states the two men were injured and taken to the hospital. The definition of electrocution: Killing with electrical shock. To execute by means of electricity. Electrocute: To kill with electricity.

I sincerely hope the two workers are going to be o.k.

henny says...

To those who think they can leave their doors unlocked now.......the PLP are human beings NOT guardian angels!!

On Police issue plea to end conflicts

Posted 10 May 2012, 11:23 a.m. Suggest removal