Comment history

henny says...

The whole article is written poorly.

On Man who opened fire on police 'was on bail'

Posted 15 August 2014, 10:59 p.m. Suggest removal

henny says...

If you are instructed by your boss or higher up authority to do something you are supposed to do it or you can be charged with insubordination. If you feel what you have been told to do is not what you feel is right then you act accordingly on the issue and let other higher ups know what happened.

On Christie: I decide on Wells future

Posted 8 August 2014, 3:52 p.m. Suggest removal

henny says...

The bill not allowing discrimination based on sex is just that. You cannot favor one or the other when it relates to a job, promotion, etc. You cannot deny one or the other based on gender. It has nothing to do with same sex marriage. That is a total new subject whether you want to accept it or not.

On Christie says no to gay marriage

Posted 7 August 2014, 12:50 p.m. Suggest removal

henny says...

agree 100% CuriousAbaconian.

henny says...

The illegal parents should be given the opportunity to legalize themselves before giving birth if possible. Following the birth, If they do not then they should be deported along with their children. Otherwise, on the other hand those children who were born here and have been here for years should be given the opportunity to become Bahamian citizens when they turn 18 years of age.

henny says...

here you go again with excuses mr. pm!!

henny says...

When bills such as this are presented to the HOA and accepted why can't they just sign approval and make it official. I don't see why a referendum has to be called at all. It is a waste of time.

henny says...

He does not say he threw money on the table to bribe the officer. He put the money there to show that it didn't matter if she only had $300 she is to be spending her time with him and he had money. Some of you don't read the stories in the manner it was written and tend to misconstrue the real meaning. The woman doesn't speak much English and cooperated with the officer as best she could. He could have at least tried to contact the attorney to verify what she had said. There should have been a superior officer there to handle the situation. I have spent months at a time in the Bahamas over the years and have never been asked how much money I have on me or how I am going to support myself.

henny says...

Appeal what??? Rot in jail for what you did.

henny says...

God is not punishing the Bahamas...Bahamians are punishing the Bahamas.