Comment history

henny says...

People should know the IRS or any US government agency does not send out mail and ask for personal ID information. With all the scams going on thru email and internet it does not mean all is coming from the US. I get email scams from UK and other foreign countries. I don't even open them. I just delete.

On Police warning over phony IRS letter

Posted 15 July 2014, 3:54 p.m. Suggest removal

henny says...

Before stating possible drowning look into possibility of any other circumstance or illness that may have caused him to go into the water.

On Man dies after car drives off Arawak Cay

Posted 14 July 2014, 11:15 a.m. Suggest removal

henny says...

It's too bad straw vendors have to be evicted but to me I think there are way too many straw vendors. They are in competition with each other, have much the same wares in each stall. It is hard to see how they can they make any money.

On Vendors evicted at Straw Market

Posted 14 July 2014, 11:08 a.m. Suggest removal

henny says...

SP....I agree with you 100%. Furthermore, the US Embassy has no reason to lie about the situation.

henny says...

Being christian or unchristian has nothing to do with it. It is a matter of paying the bills to ensure nothing like this happens. For that matter GBPC and BEC turn off electricity every day where there are children in homes and they don't care. The kids in the school can go home to electricity, those without it at home have none until it is turned back on.

henny says...

Cobalt....So what if a Haitian is commenting half the people in Nassau are of Haitian descent. Further more he is telling the truth.

On FNM: Fire Miller now!

Posted 24 June 2014, 5 p.m. Suggest removal

henny says...

Another one gets away with murder.

henny says...

How can a water park open in a month when there are no specifics given to the public? A water park is an amusement park consisting of water sports, games, rides, etc. Why would he collect money from persons after they arrive at a job fair for lunch? What does not being able to do a one on one interview have to do with job seekers paying for lunch? Why take $400 from them to go and let them see how parks are run in Florida before anything is even finalized or in place in Nassau? They may have decided they don't want the job if they had seen where they'd be working and wouldn't have thrown away hard earned money. Anyone who gave this man their money is a fool.

henny says...

I totally agree with TalRussell on this one. Anyone with any sense would know that any spying would be done with those known or suspected for doing any wrongdoings. Not the whole of the Bahamas. I think Brave and the rest should have gotten their facts straight before stirring up controversy with the public and needs to let it rest.

henny says...

I agree with the above comments. I could hardly believe what Davis was saying when he made those ignorant and not thought of comments. What was he thinking? Evidently he wasn't. What does that say to the Bahamians trying to make ends meet and those with no income??...... "Be tempted to steal or sell drugs in order to survive."..... MP's already receive enough to live above and beyond means with their private practice and position as an MP only makes it even better for them. The most logical and sensible thing to do is for government to give pay increases on a regular annual basis to all government employees and not just those who are members of the "elite" club. Raise the minimum wage for all workers no matter where they are employed. Don't hold back pay increases where they are due to the lower level employee.