Comment history

henny says...

$11.00 to each veteran per month since 1945???.......unbelievable.

henny says...

If true those police officers need to be suspended without pay and tried in a court of law.

On Police 'beat my brother'

Posted 30 April 2014, 12:49 p.m. Suggest removal

henny says...

So If no foul play involved, why was body found wrapped in a sheet, etc?? Do you think the person set himself on fire and then wrapped himself in sheet??

On UPDATED: Burned body found

Posted 29 April 2014, 2:16 p.m. Suggest removal

henny says...

Have you ever heard a tourist expressing desire to visit the ghetto??

henny says...

I agree with Mr. Chipman. Mr. Mitchells diplomatic notes to those countries were so unnecessary. Were they even approved by the PM? They probably had no idea of what was said by Mr. Minnis, Therefore, is an embarrassment for the Bahamas. What happened to the plane is for sure a tragedy but it is lost and Mr. Minnis statement was stated without thought but people should not take things so personal and concentrate on making the Bahamas a better place.

henny says...

I agree with citizen. People are taking this too personal. All this bickering over nothing. So childish. Expecting apologies every time someone opens their mouth and says something you don't like. Move on and do something constructive for your country.

henny says...

Stop procrastinating Bahamas and do something about the laws. Do not give bail to those accused of committing murder or those repeat offenders accused of robbery and home invasion. The country will never get better until this is done.

On Man on bail for murder held after robbery

Posted 23 April 2014, 10:52 a.m. Suggest removal

henny says...

He served time for manslaughter not murder concerning death to his girlfriend 30 yrs ago. We do not know the circumstances. He could have been defending himself. To make judgement of his ability to be a principal I don't think is necessary for the public to decide. Let those responsible to do the research do their job and make their determination.

On Principal a killer in past

Posted 14 April 2014, 12:53 p.m. Suggest removal

henny says...

If this were in the US he would never be allowed to preach and have a church. There would be so many protestors outside to make his life miserable. He would have no choice but to leave and go into hiding.

On Sex offender Fraser launches new church

Posted 14 April 2014, 12:36 p.m. Suggest removal

henny says...

He must be an amazing person aside from the Bahamian flag and all he went through.

On Look a true patriot in the eye

Posted 14 April 2014, 1 a.m. Suggest removal