Comment history

hj says...

Mr.Pintard, when you and your colleagues were giving your former leader carte blanche to shut down the country,i guess you had not realized the damage you were causing to your party. Live and learn. Enjoy your newest defeat.

hj says...

Good, and while you are investigating you might also want to take a look at your own department. I have heard that couple of fisheries officers in Andros are also have been in fisheries export business themselves. That does not sound right does it?

hj says...

Every few months politcians and high ranking civil cervants,not to mention the army of consultants, come up with these ideas that if anything shows how incompetent they really are. Apps that do not work, confusion to the Bahamian public,and anything that makes things complicated, just to show that the Bahamas is moving forward. Wonder who came up with this idea this time and who got the contract with the development of this app

hj says...

Instead of tracking down the money that goes missing through errors you have no problem threatening small and medium size businesses with more red tape, higher fees and withholding their business licences.

hj says...

Bahamas Carnival was simply the brainchild of Christie who like most Bahamian politicians has no issue wasting taxpayer's money to fund his pet projects. Carnival is not Junkanoo. Stop wasting our money

hj says...

Do not give the business licence because someone else is not paying his property tax. Stupidity and bullying at its finest.

hj says...

This has nothing to do with PLP or FNM or whatever else is out there. This is about government dictating to private businesses how to run their affairs. They need to stop that. Your idol interferered with the agricultular sector many years ago and the result was a disaster.

hj says...

If the government was so efficient in providing medication private pharmacies would not be needed. Go to any public clinic or hospital and for sure they do not have all the medications that is needed. Also if you notice the list of NHI registered doctors is getting smaller and smaller, could it be a lack of payment?

hj says...

This is what socialism looks like. The difference would be open stores with empty shelves. The government should stop pretending to be the big daddy that wants to help the poor people. You really want to help then lower taxes.

hj says...

Both doctors need to realize that their political careers are over.FNM needs to get rid of them asap if they want a shot at the next election. Put it plainly, you gentlemen you really messed it up.