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hotep86 says...

You do realize that the PM didn't say this in reference to the Cuban situation. It was in response to a question about Dr. Minnis and his allegations about Peter Nygard. Do ya'll fact check at the Tribune? The footage was aired last night of the interview with the Prime Minister.
Just garbage.

On PM: Minnis will pay price over Cuban claims

Posted 24 August 2013, 3:19 p.m. Suggest removal

hotep86 says...

People still read this chick? I read the first couple of lines, and like all of her other articles, just couldn't finish.

hotep86 says...

Torturing animals: one of the tell tale signs of a budding sociopath.

On Animals tortured in abandoned building

Posted 23 August 2013, 3:23 p.m. Suggest removal

hotep86 says...

My thing is this: I don't believe any logical thinking Bahamian believes that no beatings go on at the detention center. This has been a tale of time. If some of the detainees were beaten as a result of an attempted escape, then as the Minister said (whether we believe he covered it up or not) to let the chips fall as they may, we don't really know the circumstances. I also think this matter could have waited given the sensitivity of the situation at the moment. It was just ill thought out and will ultimately backfire on an already flailing attempt at leadership. As previously mentioned, Dr. Minnis toured the facilities directly after the video came out and stated he saw no signs of abuse. To be quite frank, the FNM just doesn't make sense right now.

I don't believe the former Prime Minister would have done something as damaging and silly as this. One thing about Hubert A. Ingraham, he is a Patriot, and a master strategist, whether we like him or not. Duane Sands should distance himself instead of hopping on the silly wagon. This is pathetic.

On Sands: Were any deportees witnesses?

Posted 23 August 2013, 2:28 p.m. Suggest removal

hotep86 says...

Expedited? They were there for months. They were also repatriated 3 months after the allegations came about, let's not forget this fiasco started from the beginning of the summer.

On Sands: Were any deportees witnesses?

Posted 23 August 2013, 12:54 p.m. Suggest removal

hotep86 says...

"The UNHCR officials inform us that the Cubans who are being repatriated may not be the same one who have been offered asylum in Panama."
- Congresswoman Ilieana Ros-Lehtinen

I wonder if people read. This group is being funded by the same political interest group in Florida and still can't get their facts together.

hotep86 says...

Actually, the Minister just said in his press release yesterday, and so did Ileana Ros (US Congresswoman) that the group repatriated were not the same group the Panamanians were referring to.

hotep86 says...

Waiting for an appointment to see someone and sending a FORMAL letter (government to government) are two different things! That's not the way to handle diplomacy Mr. Honorary Consul.

On Panama ‘has waited six days for response’

Posted 20 August 2013, 12:20 p.m. Suggest removal

hotep86 says...

This woman has become a straight up liar!

hotep86 says...

While I agree that Mr. Miller's comments were untimely and grossly inappropriate, listening to Dr. Minnis last night on this issue, or any other issue for that matter, made my skin crawl. Someone please move this guy, and fast. Maybe they should make LBT the official spokesperson for the FNM. While she may not make perfect sense sometimes, at least she's easy to listen to on the ears.